Overall project value: EUR 43 million The financial cooperation programme consists of the following components (results) which are in close synergy with the technical cooperation programmes and will be implemented in different phases: Phase 1 (covered by this contract) - Campaigns of large flow rates drilling (>7 m³/h) in the towns and their surroundings of the four programme regions (selected towns: Bama, Banfora, Bérégadougou, Dandé, Diébougou, Houndé, Mangodara, Niangoloko, Orodara, Pa, Péni, Sideradougou, Sindou, Solenzo, Soubakaniédougou, Toussiana);
- Expansion of the water treatment plant capacity of Banfora from currently 240 m³/h to 600 m³/h;
- Feasibility Study (FS): Transfer of treated water between Banfora and Niangoloko and Soubakaniédougou, DN 500, about 60 km
- Transfer of raw water from the dam Moussodougou, 4 km DN 600 and 14 km DN 350
- Rehabilitation and expansion of the water treatment systems of Banfora, Bérégadougou and Niangoloko (about 300 km DN 65 to DN 300).
Further phases (depending on availability of funding) in the following order of priority
- Energy saving measures by using hydraulic power for the water treatment system in Banfora and through solar energy production for the existing boreholes;
- Expansion of sewage network of Bobo Dioulasso and commissioning of 450 additional connections to the system (limited to studies);
- Support to ONEA in elaborating preliminary and detailed studies, preparing tender documents and in construction supervision;
- Carrying out a hygiene awareness programme in the 16 programme towns;
Investment cost: EUR 39 million |