
GOPA Infra has implemented over 1,200 projects in more than 60 countries. This database provides just a SELECTION of the projects illustrating our expertise in various fields and countries.

In addition, you will find selected project descriptions of the respective field of work under the category "Business Areas" .

Energy efficiency in public buildings (Phase I & II)
Promotion of vocational training and employment (PVTE)
Batumi Sustainable Urban Mobility Project Preparatory Study
Technical studies and preparation of tender documents for the maintenance of rural roads in the Folon and Kabadougou regions - Mission 2
Supervision of periodic maintenance: Mansa-Nchelenge and Mansa-Chembe Roads
Solid Waste Management in protected areas
Preparation of preliminary and detailed plans and designs for the implementation of the Maputo sanitary landfill and closure of the Hulene dump
Green Jobs in the Circular Economy - PREVEC, (Phase 2)
Secondary Sewerage Network for Mostar City - Feasibility Study update, Environmental & Social Impact Assessment, Detailed Design & Tender Dossiers (IPF11)
Design for the reinforcement of the drinking water supply of the town of Prikro and the surrounding localities
Feasibility and financing options studies of the Multinational Kenya/Uganda: Kisumu-Busia/Kakira-Malaba Expressway
Supporting a sustainable waste and circular ecconomy in Rwanda: Technical Expert support to sustainable waste and circular economy
Supervision of water works (Lot 2: Muchinga Province, Lot 3: Luapula Province, Lot 4: Luapula, Lot 5: Northern Province)
Supervision of borehole drilling works in Northern Province and design and supervision of 14 water schemes in 5 provinces of Zambia
USAID Expanding Water and Sanitation Project
Sustainable Urban Development (DUS) - Improve the access of Brazilian cities to financing for integrated, inclusive climate resilient projects
Short-term expert support on sustainable urban transport improvements in Indonesia (SECO-C1) - Indonesia transport
Rural Development and Food Security in Northern Uganda (RUDSEC)
Sustainable urban mobility in Georgia (SUM Tbilisi) - Project implementation and accompanying measures Consultant
Design of a water and wastewater infrastructure Master Plan for Al-Karak Governorate (Lot 1)
Promotion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) & Promotion of Sustainable Energy in TVET
Control and supervision of construction works of the new International Airport of Ouagadougou - Donsin (Lots 2A, 2B, 3-1, 3-2 and M1)
Supervision of pavement rehabilitation works and construction of structural elements of the Abidjan Transport Project
Promotion of youth employment and vocational training in Kenya (Phase II)
Protecting Mexico's coastal regions and their marine ecosystems by reducing plastic waste (PROCEP) “Short-term expert support on circular economy in Mexico”
Protecting Mexico's coastal regions and their marine ecosystems by reducing plastic waste (PROCEP). “Short-term expert support on reduction of plastic consumption in the fishing and tourism sector in Mexico”
International consultancy services on “Environmental infrastructure in industrial parks” under the project “Sustainable environment-friendly industrial production - Phase 2”
Support of SCU Project Implementation Unit for the preparation and implementation of the project "Energy efficiency – Accompanying measures“
Technical assistance to the transport and infrastructure sectors in Guinea Bissau
Consulting services to provide construction supervision works for Manchinchi faecal sludge treatment plant for LWSC
Promotion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (HTU+ Programme/CAVT), Phase I and accompanying measure
Support Programme for Technical and Vocational Training
Nile Delta Water Management in Egypt - Consultancy services in water supply and wastewater management
Provide capacity building and support for Egyptian Water Regulatory Agency (EWRA) staff to develop business plan, standard operating procedures and tariff model
Support for Project Preparation for Urban Progress (SuPPUrbP) – City Climate Finance Gap Fund
Participatory Infrastructure Project (PIP) - Planning & supervision
GPE, Green People's Energy: Design and costing of solar on- and off-grid solar power systems and their smart system integration for training institutions
Lusaka Sanitation Project – CSU Link Pipeline (CSU3)
Capacity building support to the Ministry of Transport for Better Planning and Implementation - Firm-01: Assistance in transport sector planning in Tajikistan
Control and supervision of the drinking water supply at the Kaya Water Production Centre (WPC) as well as control and supervision of environmental and social safeguard activities (Lot 1)
Control and supervision of the drinking water supply at the Yako Water Production Centre (WPC) as well as control and supervision of environmental and social safeguard activities (Lot 2)
Durres wastewater management project - Feasibility study, environmental & social impact assessment and preliminary design (IPF11)
Strengthening local Governance in Zambia - Capital Grant Scheme (Phase I)
Pilot Programme for Priority Investments in PDET municipalities
ConNex - Provision of basic public services for vulnerable people
Consulting services for a feasibility study - Water Loss Reduction Programme
Support to Ganga rejuvenation/ India-EU Water Partnership Action: Consultancy on river basin management and environmental flows assessment in India
Climate and Resource Protection through Circular Economy (CIRCLE) - Advisory services for the development of a national training service for the SWM sector in Jordan, including pilot trainings
Technical assistance for institutional and capacity building of roads transport sub-sector
Detailed design for the new campus and the University Learning Center in Zadar (Subproject of Western Balkans Investment Facility Infrastructure Project "Facility Technical Assistance 7 ") (Component 2)
Decentralised development through district infrastructure (bus stations and markets)
Reform of Water Sector Programme (Phase II) - Support the data collection on water and sanitation for the implementation of the ECAM tool in 6 selected commercial utilities
Technical support for the German Credit Facility to assist the return of IDPs in Iraq (GCFI) (III)
Nkana Water Supply and Sanitation Project (NWSSP): Consultancy - Design, procurement & supervision
Implementation of pilot project along the plastic value chain in Manado
Implementation of pilot project on 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) in the Philippines
Capacity building of BiH Railways Regulatory Board focusing on the Fourth Railway Package
Energy efficiency measures in public buildings at the municipality level in Kosovo
Damage assessment study of the urban water supply and sanitation situation in Yemen (Stage IV)
Stormwater drainage project Bamako
New campus for the electrical engineering and technical faculties in Belgrade: Methodology for concept design, urban design, preliminary design, ESIA and feasibility study (Sub-project - IPF 7, EIB)
Climate-friendly public services in selected cities in Peru
National Rural Sanitation Programme (NRSP) - Development of a water and sanitation sector strategy
Water and environment support mechanism
Project implementation Consultant for the Kitchener Drain Project Wastewater Component
Rural development project in two regions of Cameroon
Water Resources Management Programme V - Implementation of the wastewater networks in Southwest Amman
Fier Functional Waste Area: Feasibility study, ESIA, PIU WB21-ALB-ENV-02 (Western Balkans Investment Framework, Infrastructure Project Facility Technical Assistance 9 (IPF9))
National Programme of Mobilisation of Water Resources - Realisation of water supply schemes and sanitation in semi-urban centres in the 2nd and 5th region
Technical and social project management within the framework of the water supply project in the Eastern region (PAEP Est)
Detailed design, procurement and supervision of sewerage works under AfDB component of the Lusaka Sanitation Programme
Skopje Wastewater Treatment Plant: Project Implementation Consultant (Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) – Infrastructure project facility - Technical Assistance 7 (IPF 7), Infrastructures: Energy, environment, transport and social)
WATSAN Programme in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Extended TA support for the implementation and management of the project
Consultancy services for detailed design review support
Consultancy services for design and supervision of the “Improvement of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services to Refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Host Communities in Zambia Programme”
Design review, tender preparation and construction supervision of the Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project in the prioritised urban centres of Chambeshi Water and Sewerage Company
Design review, tender preparation and construction supervision of the Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project in the prioritised urban centres of Luapula Water and Sewerage Company
Consultancy services for a programme support team for transforming rural livelihoods in Western Zambia
Circular Economy Programme - PREVEC / "Green Jobs" - increase waste recycling rate (SDG 12)
Detailed design, construction quality management and support during the operation and maintenance period of the rehabilitation and upgrade of water and sewerage treatment Facilities in Chingola, Chililabombwe and Mufulira for MWSC
Policy, legal, regulatory and institutional review for sustainable transport in Namibia
Water Resources Management Programme V
Reduction of non-revenue water and optimisation of energy efficiency in systems operated by AyA in Costa Rica (RANC-EE Project)
Project Implementation Unit Support Consultant for Gjilan wastewater development project
TBC Programme Phase V: Construction and equipping of the tuberculosis children’s hospital at the National Centre for TB, Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (Macheton)
Performance-oriented public financial management - IT training institute project
TA to the Ministry of Local Government - Strengthening Local Government in Zambia (SLGZ III) (Phase III)
International Urban and Regional Cooperation China (IURC China)
China Integrated Waste Management (IWM) NAMA support project
Creation of Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP)
Elbasan Functional Waste Area: Feasibility study, ESIA, PIU WB21-ALB-ENV-01 (Western Balkans Investment Framework, Infrastructure Project Facility Technical Assistance 9 (IPF9))
Lusaka West - Water Supply Project (Prefeasibility and preparatory study)
Provision of design and supervision services for the programme “Enhancing Access to WASH Services in Luapula Province of Zambia”
Sustainable transport for the City of Tbilisi
Sustainable transport for the City of Batumi
Financial cooperation component of the implementation of the New Housing NAMA Programme (Phase 1 and 2)
Financial cooperation component of the implementation of the New Housing NAMA Programme
Education for integral development – URL III
Medium cities decentralization programme in Cameroon (PDVM-FEICOM)
Technical assistance for Ukraine municipal infrastructure programme preparation and implementation
Project appraisal support and capacity building for final beneficiaries for the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Framework Loan
Rural Infrastructure Development Programme for Cambodia (RID4CAM) - Consulting services for the project preparation study
Sustainable Energy Programme in Mexico (Module: Energy efficiency and renewable energy in the existing social housing sector)
Technical cooperation with the Niger Basin Authority (NBA), Phase III
Long-term technical assistance to the UEMOA Commission for the implementation of the Transport Facilitation Project (RIP 10th EDF)
Short-term expert support on sustainable urban transport improvements
C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF)
Global FCP Programme (Fund for the Consolidation of Peace (FCP III) & special component "Prevention of Youth Violence")
Improvement of wastewater treatment operations at Yarmouk Water Company
Financing Program for Local Communities (FICOL), Lot 1
Consultancy services for technical and operational assistance to the Infrastructure Implementation Unit (IIU) of the Ministry of Public Works
Sustainable Urban Development - Smart Cities (SUD-SC)
Consulting services for implementation of training activities for ADF key training staff
AUC funding window for cross-border post-conflict reconstruction and development measures
Support to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) - Phase 1
« Programme d’Appui aux Collectivités Territoriales (PACT) », Phases III, IV, V-I, VI-I/DIN, VI-I/APR, PDCD
Regional Infrastructure Development Fund (Phase III)
Rural Infrastructure Programme (Phase VI) - Implementation consulting services and accompanying training consulting services
Liberian-Swedish feeder roads project (Phase 3)
Preparation of detailed project report for a mass rapid transit system in Vijayawada
Feasibility and project design study “Promotion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)”
Preparation of SWM projects in three regions
Energy efficiency for sustainable urban development
Improvement of primary school education
Rural Development Programme (Phase IV/V & IATI) - Implementation Consulting Services (IMC) and Accompanying Measures Consulting Services (AMC)
Technical assistance for the implementation of the regional initiative LOGISMED soft training activities
Project management and implementation for the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Framework Loan
Water Sector Improvement Programme (WSIP) – Component 2: Improvement of urban water and sewage services
Recycling and disposal of waste of electrical and electronic equipment in an environmentally sound way (Phase 1)
Fostering reforms in the Egyptian renewable energy and water sectors through developing capacity building EU water sector technical assistance and reforms support (EU water STARS)
Reorganisation of water supply and sewerage service areas in the urban water and sanitation sub-sector in Uganda
Consulting services to Urban Development and Environment Department (UDED) of Madhya Pradesh for the preparation of feasibility studies for 6 towns
Support of the Niger River Basin Organisation
Consulting services for the project "Kampala Water - Lake Victoria WatSan" (Package 5b): Accompanying measures for the promotion of improved private hygiene and sanitation and corresponding services in the informal settlements of Kampala
Ecological urban development Lusaka - Consultancy services for the development of a pricing mechanism for sanitation
C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF)
Climate-friendly technologies and capacity development for the implementation of the Brazilian national waste policy
Vocational training programme Sinde
Technical assistance to the implementation of the integrated programme for protection of the Lake Bizerte against pollution
German Credit Facility to assist the return of IDPs in Iraq (GCFI) - Management and monitoring consultant
East African Community regional network of public health reference laboratories for communicable diseases (procurement expert)
Integrated Programme to Improve the Living Conditions in Gulu and Small Towns en Route in the Victoria Nile Catchment (IPILC), Engineering and Institutional Consultant (EIDC)
Strengthening provincial health systems - Component II: Hospital water supply, wastewater disposal and waste management in 5 provinces and Viet Duc Hospital (Hanoi)
Schools modernisation programme – Investment component
Water and wastewater sector budget support – Accompanying measures
Water supply system of Kabul: Transitional Support Programme (TSP)
Institutional strengthening of water supply and sanitation utilities in Kabul, Herat and Kunduz
Urban Water Supply Improvement Programme (UWSIP) – Engineering services in the refugee settlements
Support to the National Urban Sanitation Policy II (SNUSP II)
Implementation programme of integral management of solid waste in the municipalities of Arequipa, Coronel Portillo and Tacna
German Credit Facility to assist the return of IDPs in Iraq (GCFI) – “Quick wins consultancy roads & bridges”
C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF)
Consulting services for the development and operation of a Management Unit for the Syria Recovery Trust Fund (SRTF)
Water supply and sanitation programme in small and medium towns in the regions of Boucle du Mouhoun, Cascades, Hauts-Bassins and Sud-Ouest
Global FCP Programme (Fund for the Consolidation of Peace - FCP)
Modernisation of local public services: Quality monitoring and management consulting for the provision of local communal services (Phase 3)
Modernisation of local public services: Quality monitoring and management consulting for the provision of local communal services (Phases 1 and 2)
Urban and industrial environmental management programme - Sustainable production of goods and services (Project: Professional training in environmental management and sustainable production)
Urban and industrial environmental management programme (PGAUI II) - Component: Urban environmental management Salamanca
Urban and industrial environmental management programme - Management and reuse of contaminated sites
Renewable energies and energy efficiency in cities
Consulting services to support the implementation of the action "LAIF Component of the EcoCasa Programme"
Technical design of NAMA for existing housing
Environmental management programme: Waste management component (Phases 1 and 2)
Waste management in Greater Maputo
Technical assistance to the IPA III operating structure
Modernisation of local public services: Regional planning and programming
Training and reinforcement consulting services – Support to the national plan for improving solid waste management
Sustainable Management of Solid Waste in the Los Lagos Region - Complementary Measures
Integrated urban solid waste management at the Island of Santiago
Solid waste management and circular economy
Solid waste management in South-East region
Climate finance readiness programme (CFReady)
Preparatory components and studies of the Freetown Development Plan: Support to the Freetown City Council and to the urban planning authorities
Strengthening of good governance for sustainable reconstruction measures in Aceh Province
Consolidated urban development programme for Kreung Aceh river, Banda Aceh
Rajkot pre-feasibility study on urban transport
Sustainable urban development programme
Improved Water and Wastewater Services Programme - Lot B (Technical assistance to four affiliated companies)
Sustainable Rural Sanitation Services Programme: Project management consultancy firm services
Water Sector Improvement Programme (WSIP) - Utility management component (Phase 2b) - Sanitation
Rural water supply Nusa Tenggara Timur/Alor and Ende
Pilot projects for the scaling-up of integrated water resources managmenet in transboundary river basin in Southern Africa
Watershed management Río Lerma in the valley of Toluca
Consulting services on rehabilitation measures on behalf of the national mission on clean Ganga river
Watershed development Andhra Pradesh – Complementary measures programme
Support to orphans and other vulnerable children project (OVC)
Safe blood transfusion project
Local development fund programme
Municipal fund for promotion of basic education and community infrastructure (Phase I – III)
Lusaka wastewater project: Consulting services for a financial and tariff study
Clustering study and capacity building services
Reform of the urban water and wastewater sector
Mother and child - emergency care (II-IV)
Local government infrastructure improvement programme ( Phase II)
Regional centres for science and technology
Strengthening Local Governance in Zambia II - Chalimbana Local Government Training Institute
Quality education support programme (QESP I + II)
Emergency rehabilitation of IDP housing in Western Georgia
Main line locomotive project: Service for improvement of stores, spare parts management and maintenance for electronic components
Business plan / restructuring plan for TransNamib Holdings Ltd.
Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Climate Finance Readiness Program (CFReady)
Technical assistance for strengthening the capacities of MoT IPA Unit and end-recipients
Study to determine the feasibility of a profitable shipping network satisfying demand for shipping services in OECS States Dominica, Grenada, St Lucia and St Vincent & The Grenadines
Financial and legal advice to the government of Malawi to renegotiate the Malawi Rail Concession
Data collection for the update of the road and traffic database
Sector programme railway II: Track maintenance improvement programme
Capacity development for the transport sector
Capacity Development in the transport sector - Enhanced management for sustainable road maintenance
Rural Infrastructure Programme (Phase IV) - Implementation consulting services and accompanying training consulting services
Study for a community-oriented transport policy and for a roads and railways master plan within 2020 and 2025 in CEMAC area
Technical assistance for revision of the White Paper on transport policy
Technical assistance to ECOWAS Secretariat and UEMOA Commission – 9th EDF Transport Facilitation Project
Water sector reform
Technical assistance to the Zambia water and sanitation project
Acceleration of the commercialisation process of the water authority of Balqa and its regional branches
Strengthening of management and operational capacities of the water and wastewater company in Qena
Improvement of water supply and sanitation
Water Sector Improvement Programme (WSIP) - Component 2 - Strengthening of technical and organisational competences of the urban water supply sector
Consulting services for the Ethiopia National Transport Master Plan (ENTMP)
Water Sector Improvement Programme (WSIP) - Utility management component (Phase 2a) - Water supply