Capacity building - Carrying out an initial study in order to specify the fields of operation of the project; and
- Development of fact sheets describing 35 training subjects selected by the three leading departments of ONEA (DPI, DEX, DASS):
- Objectives of the training session,
- Technical content to be developed during the training session,
- Provisional distribution of the learning situations to be adopted: presentations, tutorials, case studies, site visits, practical exercises,
- Estimated duration of the training session.
- Design of a training plan under ONEAS’ direction
- Identification of trainers to conduct the training courses,
- Estimation of number of participants per training subject in order to estimate number of training sessions for each training item,
- Planning parameters for implementation of the training programme (guide lines),
- Financial parameters for implementation of the training programme.
- Elaboration of ready-made education kits (training manual + tool PowerPoint) for the finally selected training subjects
- Asset management
- Geographical Information System (GIS)
- Troubleshooting methods
- Pump dimensions
- Operation and maintenance of dosing pumps
- Design and operation of wastewater pumping stations
- Operation and maintenance of sludge treatment stations
Quality assurance system - Proposing terms of reference to ONEA for a study assessing the current status of the quality assurance system regarding investment planning, contractual follow-up and works supervision
- Carrying out this study under ONEAS’ direction (analysis of processes, interfaces, documents, indicators)
- Elaboration of the diagnostic and presentation of recommendations for improving ONEAS’ performance
- Monitoring and coaching of the implementation of the recommendations
- Organising a consensus-building process on ONEA’s management levels involved in the implementation of the recommendations (participatory method, topical and cross-sectional meetings):
- Reduction of number of processes
- Removal of business procedures
- Reduction of relevant and monthly calculated indicators
- Definition of new working tools (“internal documents”) and delivery of templates for standard documents