Waste management in Greater Maputo

Project details
Associated enterprises: 
Climate Change, Circular Economy & Solid Waste
Project volume: 
844,000 €
Value of services: 
675,200 €
Start of project: 
January, 2007
End of project: 
January, 2010
Project background: 

The city council of Maputo is responsible for waste management services since coming into force of the autarchy law in 1999. During the initial phase the city council, which was elected in 2004, was faced with some difficulties in taking over the responsibilities, but in the meantime high priority is given to city cleansing activities. However, the sanitation departments of the city councils of Maputo and Matola, which are responsible for waste management, are not adequately equipped and qualified to guarantee regular waste management services (core problem). The main reasons for this are, besides the low budgets of the sanitation departments, their insufficient organisational structure and the lack of qualified personnel, especially at management level.


Project description: 

The facilitation components include organisational, planning and technical assistance of the city councils and the city cleansing departments, the strengthening of administrative structures and the support of public participation. Advisory services are concentrating on waste management plans, tariffs and cost recovery, logistics, operation, public relations and private sector participation. In particular, strategic advice with regard to organisational development, clarification of responsibilities and reorganisation of waste management services within the city councils is carried out. Furthermore, seminars and workshops are organised and presented to strengthen the dialogue between the involved departments of the city councils. Counterparts are qualified by training on-the-job measures and the continuous cooperation with international and local specialists.

Service description: 
  • Completion of the waste management plans for the region of Maputo;
  • Institutional consulting and reorganization of the civil services in the region of Maputo;
  • Development of a waste regulation for the region of Maputo;
  • Measurements for raising fees that cover the operational costs of the services;
  • Establishment of guidelines for the deposition of waste;
  • Advice on the planning and implementation of pilot projects;
  • Programmes for community sensitization and awareness rising; and
  • Education and training of qualified personnel.

The main objective of the project is to strengthen the institutional framework conditions and personnel capacities for waste management services in Greater Maputo.
