Urban and industrial environmental management programme (PGAUI II) - Component: Urban environmental management Salamanca

Project details
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
485,399 €
Value of services: 
485,399 €
Start of project: 
December, 2014
End of project: 
November, 2016
Project description: 

The significant economic growth and industrial development in Mexico in recent decades have caused a number of environmental problems. Compared to other Latin American countries, Mexico has an exemplary environmental legislation and advanced strategies for environmental protection.

However, these laws, are not rigorously implemented and monitored, especially not at the municipal level. Efficient enforcement of the environmental legislation is hindered, due to lack of technical and managerial skills, as well as difficulties in the financing of infrastructure and absence of adequate concepts for their continuity.

The framework of the Urban Environmental Management considers a wide range of possible topics ranging from urban mobility and land use, to institutional strengthening and environmental education; including issues of integrated water and solid waste management, air and soil pollution, urban development and rehabilitation of green areas, among others.

Service description: 
  • Advisory on urban environmental management projects in the areas of air (ProAire) and water pollution  in coordination with institutions at regional and national level;
  • Capacity building in environmental governance as well as in urban development and urban planning;
  • Technical assistance on solid waste management and soil protection; pilot project accompaniment of Tekchem, Cerro de la Cruz and Quimica Central;
  • Promotion of exchange of knowledge and experiences among different stakeholders, such as municipalities and the three levels of government, as well as civil society and private sector; and
  • Capacity building of decision makers and experts from the city council of Salamanca.

The program's goal is to increase the efficiency of urban and industrial environmental management, especially in management areas that are of interest to municipalities.

The component Urban Environmental Management aims to develop innovative environmental management models that respond to the contexts and particular conditions of metropolitan areas.

