Training and reinforcement consulting services – Support to the national plan for improving solid waste management

Project details
El Salvador
Donor organisation: 
Associated enterprises: 
Climate Change, Circular Economy & Solid Waste
Project volume: 
887,925 €
Value of services: 
443,963 €
Start of project: 
February, 2014
End of project: 
January, 2017
Project description: 

Because of the long transport distance within the central system of solid waste management and the high financial burden, that this means for the municipalities, in El Salvador, a number of uncontrolled landfills are being recorded, which are the cause of environmental risks, primarily by the contamination of soils and groundwater resources, and the populations' health. By submission of a National Plan for Improving Solid Waste Management (PNMDS, by its Spanish acronym), in May 2010, the MRNA decided to decentralise the waste management by constructing additional landfills, especially in the eastern part of the country, and transfer the responsibility of the new facilities' operation to the municipalities and/or municipal associations.


Service description: 
  • Strengthening the regulatory function at a national level (MRNA/UDSP) by supporting the development of a monitoring and control system (gathering and systematization of operational and environmental data and also use these data to control the execution of the PNMDS measures).
  • Support associations to ensure the sustainability of the operation, focusing on the institutional-organizational, administrative, technical and financial strengthening of the operational entities.
  • Advice the municipalities to improve municipal services in the solid waste sector: Optimize the collection and transportation service, improve the financial system regarding the income and expenditure accounting, improve the pricing system and costs' collection, improve the internal organisation of the departments responsible for solid waste management services.

The main objective of the "National Plan for Improving Solid Waste Management" Project is to "contribute to a sustainable risk reduction for the environment and public health, and to the good governance at a local level."

Specific objective: "The implementation of a decentralised network of locations for final disposal of solid wastes in a sustainable manner in terms of natural resources, health services and environment"

In this context, the consulting services will assist the municipal associations and municipalities that receive help from the project, "Support to the National Plan for Improving Solid Waste Management", to ensure a solution for the final disposal of waste that is financially sustainable and respectful with the environment.
