Technical support for the German Credit Facility to assist the return of IDPs in Iraq (GCFI) (III)

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Associated enterprises: 
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
2,305,100 €
Value of services: 
2,137,750 €
Start of project: 
September, 2021
End of project: 
April, 2023
Project background: 

Rebuilding territories liberated from IS’ terroristic activities and the return of internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their place of origin in the northern provinces constitutes a priority for the Government of Iraq as part of its overall objective for long-term recovery and stabilisation. Moreover, effective restoration of basic public service delivery is essential to prevent additional conflicts in areas of high return and re-establish meaningful state presence in this area.

Service description: 

Review, adaptation and management of existing programme documents

  • Development, revision and adaptation of all GCFI Standard Documents
  • Undertake regular trainings for the proper use and application of the GCFI Standard Documents for relevant programme stakeholders
  • Development of new Public Information Strategy (PIS) based on experiences of the previous phase and considering social activities started to raise awareness of the public of the benefits of the programme, incl. gatherings with IDP women for psychological support, social activities, such as knitting, backing etc.
  • Operate, host and manage the programme ‘SharePoint’ to ensure up-to-date GCFI Standard Documents are available to eligible programme stakeholders

Operation of the Monitoring and Reporting System (MARS)

  • Operate MARS, support stakeholders during data entry and regular use of MARS, generate progress reports
  • Provide regular trainings to stakeholders on the use of MARS, if and when required
  • Take over hosting services of MARS
  • Coordinate technical functionality and maintenance of MARS with the developer
  • Coordinate and facilitate further development / upgrade of MARS features

Capacity building support to PMTs and ReFAATO

  • Undertake brief capacity needs assessment of sector PMT members in all relevant project areas and review traiining measures and programmes used in the previous phase, complement measures, where needed
  • Undertake regular training measures for PMTs on financial, contract, and project management, procurement, ESHS and security management, monitoring and reporting
  • Coordinate training measures with training activities undertaken by the technical implementation consultants (ICs)

Technical sector support to ReFAATO

  • Develop jointly with ReFAATO regular site monitoring plans
  • Undertake relevant site visits, either jointly with, or, on behalf of ReFAATO
  • Preparation of monitoring visit reports, presenting observations and recommendations and follow-up on implementation of recommendations made

Overarching programme implementation tasks

  • Support in the social and environmental safeguard management, monitoring and safety (ESHS) and security risk management
  • Undertake regular and independent validation of PMT project monitoring
  • Provide guidance to line ministries in implementing the programme and instructions of the Steering Committee
  • Support for overall programme monitoring and reporting

Overall objective

The GCFI aims at creating incentives for the permanent return of IDPs to their homes through improvement of access to social and economic services via the restoration of local economic and social infrastructure.

GCFI supports investments in the rehabilitation, construction, or supply of equipment in liberated territories in the governorates of Diyala, Salah al-Din, Al-Anbar and Niniveh with a total investment of EUR 500 million distributed into interventions in the energy (EUR 225 million), water/sanitation (EUR 45 million), roads/bridges (EUR 45 million), and health sector (EUR 185 million).

The assignment includes supporting the implementation of the Quick Win Measures (Phase I) and monitoring the implementation of the sectoral projects as continuation of the Management and Monitoring Consultancy assignment (Phase II) as follows:

Electricity (through PMT at Ministry of Electricity)

  • Rehabilitation of four 132kV substations
  • Supply of 132kV towers & OHL materials 
  • Supply of 8 Nos. mobile 33/11kV 31.5MVA substations plus spare parts 
  • Supply of Power Transformers 33/11 kV, Distribution Transformers 11/0.4 kV, Kiosks and Accessories 
  • Rehabilitation of Mosul Super grid 400 KV GIS Substation
  • Construction of two substations (132/33KV+33/11KV)
  • Procurement of Plant, Design, Supply and Installation of a 132 kV overhead Transmission Line 

Roads and Bridges (through PMT at Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, Roads and Bridges Directorate)

  • Construction works for the rehabilitation of five bridges (Al-Qayara (434m long), Mara'ay (45m long), Al-Hawd (45m long), Al-Muthanna 1st (60m long) and Al-Gwer (1125m long))
  • Construction works of rehabilitation of Mosul – Al-Qayara junction Ramadhanyat road of 94.8 km length

Water and Sanitation (through PMT at Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, Strategic Management Directorate)

  • Rehabilitation of nineteen 200m³/h and three 500m³/h water treatment plants
  • Construction works of a new 27 km transmission pipeline  
  • Supply of equipment and vehicles for Nineveh Water Directorate

Health (through PMT at Ministry of Health)

  • Rehabilitation of the Nursing Home Service Hospital (NHSH) in Baghdad 
  • Rehabilitation of the Al Dour General Hospital - Salah Al Din Governorate
  • Construction of the Mosul Hospital - Al Shifa’a Complex
  • Development and update of GCFI standards documents and Public Information Strategy (PIS)
  • Operation of the Monitoring and Reporting System (MARS)
  • Capacity building of ReFAATO members and the Project Management Teams (PMTs) at the line ministries
  • Technical sector support to ReFAATO for progress monitoring
  • Support to ReFAATO and the sector PMTs in overall monitoring and programme implementation incl. ESHS and risk management, progress validation and reporting