Sustainable urban mobility in Georgia (SUM Tbilisi) - Project implementation and accompanying measures Consultant

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Associated enterprises: 
Transport & Mobility
Project volume: 
4,362,467 €
Value of services: 
3,034,358 €
Start of project: 
May, 2023
End of project: 
April, 2029
Project description: 

In Georgia’s capital Tbilisi increasing urbanization, growing prosperity, as well as inadequate provision of urban mobility infrastructure have led to overutilization of the existing urban transport systems and a strong increase in motorized individual traffic. The traffic management and transport modes of the city therefore need to be aligned with climate protection goals and to contribute to better living conditions for the population.

The German Financial Cooperation is providing finance to the Government of Georgia for the SUM Tbilisi by way of a concessional loan through KfW Development Bank to the Tbilisi City Hall. The project is funded under the German Climate and Technology Initiative (DKTI, now “P+”). Accordingly, the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) is the main objective of the project and planning and designing to maximize GHG reductions and a corresponding impact monitoring and reporting are integral tasks of the services. 

The estimated total cost for the project is EUR 57.5 million.

Service description: 

The project tasks and activities are progressed by vertical workstreams teams who deliver the respective work programmes in their area – ITS, ecomobility, procurement, stakeholder relations, ESHS and accompanying measures.

In detail the following services are provided:

Project initiation and critical reviews
Critical review of prefeasibility and other previous studies
Close gaps in previous studies
Confirm if ESIAs are needed
Suggest scope revisions to reduce GHGs
Procurement strategy/concept

Detailed planning and design of project components
Selection of project fiches to implement
Detailed planning & design strategy
Design of ITS projects
Design of ecomobility projects
Detailed project costings
Construction documentation
Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs)

Preparation and implementation of procurement
Procurement strategy/concept
Detailed contracts programme
Contract notifications
Prequalification documentation
Detailed contract packages
Tender documentation
Tender process management
Tender evaluation & award
Environmental, Social, Health & Safety (ESHS) validation

Assistance during the implementation
Site supervision - ITS
Site supervision - Ecomobility
Contracts management - ITS
Contracts management - Ecomobility
ESHS compliance
Costs, claims management
Approvals & acceptance tests
Defects notification & management

Stakeholder consultation and public participation
Stakeholder mapping
ITS stakeholders management
Bus & NMT stakeholders management
Public consultation processes & events
Awareness & marketing campaigns

Accompanying measures
Needs assessment
Capacity building for ITS
Management & institutional expertise development
HR, stakeholder & outreach expertise development
Environmental climate & social expertise development
Financial planning & accounting
Ideas competition support


Overall objectives:

  • The infrastructure of the environmental-friendly transportation networks (public transport, cycling, walking) for the everyday mobility of the population is improved.
  • The efficiency of public transport processes is improved and travel times along the main traffic routes are shortened to increase attractiveness of public transport.
  • The safety of women and girls is increased in public transport facilities and in public areas covered by the Project.
  • Knowledge for sustainable operation of transport systems, including technical design, capacity planning and pricing, is developed.

The following measures are financed under the Project (project components):

1) Introduction/Expansion of an Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITS): Implementation of modern ITS solutions including traffic control center with data platform, on-street sensors and signaling technology for a climate-sensitive monitoring and management of traffic flows and parking space utilization in real time as a central element of urban traffic management.

2) Expansion of environmental-friendly transport modes (public transport, cycle- and pedestrian network) and design of well-integrated "Green Urban Design and Mobility" corridors: Priority measures for the conversion include extension of the networks of environmental-friendly transport modes. This is progressed through the optimization of existing bus routes and improved bus line operations by introducing energy-efficient solutions and for the cost-efficient expansion of transport capacities (Tbilisi Bus Transit, TBT) while integrating existing modes of transport (private minibuses, public transport, cab, bicycle and pedestrian traffic).

3) The purpose of the Accompanying Measures (AM) is to ensure the sustainability and durability of the project by designing and delivering a programme of capacity building, institutional development and change management, incl. training. They include targeted capacity development and training activities for technical staff in TUDA as well as at transport operators with a special focus on technical topics that complement the work being implemented in the ITS and Mobility Programmes and with an emphasis on use of data for monitoring, maintenance and operations. In addition, the AM also cover topics such as ESHS procedures, financial planning/accounting and implementation of an ideas competition for neighbourhood projects.

