Supporting a sustainable waste and circular ecconomy in Rwanda: Technical Expert support to sustainable waste and circular economy

Project details
Climate Change, Circular Economy & Solid Waste
Project volume: 
470,045 €
Value of services: 
390,137 €
Start of project: 
September, 2023
End of project: 
August, 2024
Project description: 

The Waste and Circular Economy (WCE) project aims to enable public and private actors to implement circular economy practices in Rwanda’s waste sector. The support aims to enhance and increase technical and organizational capacities and skills within the structures relevant for implementing approaches of circular economy in waste management. Through its support to the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and subordinate institutions, the WCE project provides these relevant state actors with technical and process-related advice regarding the development of instruments for implementing and operationalizing policies, strategies, and plans for circular waste management. Furthermore, the WCE project is supporting private enterprises to develop financially viable business models and access finance for inclusive, climate-smart waste management and a circular economy. The project provides training measures to develop entrepreneurial capacity and is initiating a call for ideas in selected value chains to support and identify innovative, inclusive, and climate-smart circular approaches and to develop the necessary business cases that would showcase the potentials for doing business in the WCE sector.

The consulting firm shall provide pools of STE that can be deployed flexibly according to the specific demand of the project. Experts assigned to the pools are required to work on specific technical tasks as well as to provide conceptual know-how and expertise to support policy advice of project partners and beneficiaries. Furthermore, STE can be requested to contribute to the capacity development of partner institutions and individuals (e.g. training, coaching, study tours). Places of the assignment will be agreed upon among GIZ and the consulting firm on a case-by-case basis.

Service description: 

Work package 1: Policy advice and capacity building of public institutions:

  • Circular waste management, including development and implementation of operational and monitoring protocols for incineration, waste treatment and disposal;
  • Extended Producer Responsibility;
  • Regulation of hazardous substances and waste;
  • Development of action plans to implement national regulation and legislation in selected satellite cities.

Work package 2: Capacity building of financial intermediaries:

  • Workshop curricula on financing of waste management and circularity within value and supply chains for commercial banks and micro-credit institutions;
  • Coaching of staff at the National Fund for Environment – FONERWA and at the Development Bank of Rwanda – BRD in tailoring their existing finance products towards businesses in waste management, as well as to companies wishing to improve the circularity of their operations, supply and/or value chains.

Work package 3: Studies to support the implementation of the Rwandan Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategy:

  • Composting on household level, both in urban and rural environments;
  • Full cost accounting of municipal SWM service provisions;
  • Full cost recovery of municipal SWM service provisions;
  • Incentives for private sector led participation in SWM and circularity.

Work package 4: Circular capacity building of private companies

  • Agriculture (e.g., banana, coffee, tea, horticulture, sweet potato, cassava);
  • Industry (e.g., FMCG, F&B, construction material production, construction, textile);
  • Mining (e.g., tungsten, casserite, tantalum)\

Work package 5: Support to the satellite cities:

  • Establishment of a data reporting system for the waste sector to feed in the national WatSan MIS and Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) Results Based Monitoring & Evaluation (RBME) system;
  • Implementing recommendations from full cost accounting and recovery;
  • Capacity building for satellite cities and City of Kigali officials. 

The contractor is responsible for contributing to following outputs:

Output 1: The organisational and technical capacities of state institutions to implement policies, strategies and plans for circular waste management in cooperation with the private sector are strengthened.
Output 2: Private enterprises have better access to financially viable business models for inclusive, climate-smart circular waste management.
Output 3: National strategies and plans for circular waste management are piloted in a selected satellite city.
