The general objective of the Support Programme for Technical and Vocational Training is to improve the technical and vocational training sector in Mauritania. The part financed by the German-Mauritanian Cooperation through KfW Development Bank concerns the rehabilitation, extension and supply of technical and vocational education equipment, the financing of their performance and the training of trainers.
The specific objective of the project is to increase the number of people trained according to market needs in order to increase their ability to find employment and generate income.
Component 1
Rehabilitation, extension and new construction (including monitoring the execution of the work and implementation) and purchase of equipment for workshops and classrooms and learning materials for the following institutes:
- The National Maritime and Fishing School (Nouadhibou);
- The Centre for Higher Technical Education (Nouakchott);
- The School of Technical and Vocational Training (Atar); and
- The Training and Professional Development Centre (Nouakchott and Rosso).
Component 2
- Qualifying training programmes offered by the professional federations and selected by the FAP - FTP (fonds autonome pour la promotion de la formation professionnelle et technique - autonomous fund for the promotion of vocational and technical training) allocation committee;
- Technical assistance to professional federations to facilitate the development of trade programmes to be implemented at technical, vocational and advanced training institutions (curriculum development); and
- Implementation of qualifying training programmes (specialised short-term training in a dual system) offered by professional federations for the benefit of interested young people.
Component 3
- Accompanying measures relating to training structures; training for the benefit of trainers and staff of beneficiary technical and vocational institutions; and
- Development of a training of trainers programme, organization and execution of technical, pedagogical and supervisory training (in Mauritania or abroad).
Taking into account local capacities, it is relevant to focus (as a pilot project) on the following sectors, identified in the sector analysis as priorities:
Occupations in the food processing industries (fisheries and agriculture);
Industrial maintenance occupations (mechanical and electrical systems), which can provide skills for a wide range of sectors (agriculture through machinery, agri-food, fisheries, construction and public works, extractive industries).