Support to the National Urban Sanitation Policy II (SNUSP II)

Project details
Associated enterprises: 
Climate Change, Circular Economy & Solid Waste
Project volume: 
860,986 €
Value of services: 
387,444 €
Start of project: 
August, 2016
End of project: 
December, 2017
Project background: 

Nearly 50% of the people living in Indian cities do not have access to adequate and sustainable sanitation. Many households remain unconnected to the sewage system and the few sewage treatment plants that exist often cannot treat wastewater in an effective manner. Also waste collection and disposal systems are in deficit and result in a lack of cleanliness and hygiene in the cities. The TC measures “Support to the National Urban Sanitation Policy II” focuses on capacitating local authorities on all levels. 

Service description: 

Working area 1: Development of

  • Aid to decision-making tool in MSW for decision maker;
  • Operational framework for extended producer responsibility;
  • Revision of Uttarakhand state SWM action plan/Manual on cluster-based approach;
  • Roll out plan for MSWM manual; and
  • National waste to compost policy and support of MoUD in operationalisation of the policy.

Working area 2:

  • Revision and preparation of integrated wastewaster and septage management guideline;
  • Training and handholding programme for cities in Uttarakhand in establishing city sanitation plans;
  • Development of roadmap for urban sanitation fund in three states;
  • Upgradation of wastewater systems in different cities,
  • Support to different cities in upgradation of SWM systems; and
  • Review of DPRs for up to 25 cities related to wastewater and SWM.

Overall objective: The module objective is “Indian states and cities take effective measures against the pollution of the environment caused by the discharge of sewage and solid waste”. To achieve this objective the project supports two work packages (WP):

WP 1: Support mechanism at the national level (Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD))

WP 2: Dissemination of workable solutions in the states and cities (5 States and up to 34 cities)

Specific objective: Within the two work packages the requested working areas (WA) which are part of the project are defined as follows:

  1. Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSW);
  2. State Sanitation Strategy (SSS) Implementation Measures (MSW and Wastewater);
  3. Detailed Project Report (DPR) Project and Process Implementation (MSW and Wastewater); and
  4. Impact Documentation.

Results to be achieved

The consulting services contribute to the following outputs and activities:

Output A: Instruments at national level for upscaling planning and implementation of NUSP (through the Indian Missions Swachh Bharat Mission-SBM- and Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban transforming –AMRUT-) for medium cities are established.

Activities are focussing on SWM - Technical guideline for MSW technologies / National MSW policy and strategy / Template for development of State SWM policy and strategy / ToTs for training based on the MSW manual.

Output B: Selected states and their cities use the experience of the previous programs for planning and implementing broad impact measures for improved wastewater and solid waste management

Activities are focussing on Wastewater and SWM – SSS implementation measures / State MSW policy and strategy / MSW Plan / Dissemination of the  MSW Manual and MSW Plan / Planning process and approval of DPRs / tendering and implementation of investment projects.    
