Results to be achieved
The consulting services contribute to the following outputs and activities:
Output A: Instruments at national level for upscaling planning and implementation of NUSP (through the Indian Missions Swachh Bharat Mission-SBM- and Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban transforming –AMRUT-) for medium cities are established.
Activities are focussing on SWM - Technical guideline for MSW technologies / National MSW policy and strategy / Template for development of State SWM policy and strategy / ToTs for training based on the MSW manual.
Output B: Selected states and their cities use the experience of the previous programs for planning and implementing broad impact measures for improved wastewater and solid waste management
Activities are focussing on Wastewater and SWM – SSS implementation measures / State MSW policy and strategy / MSW Plan / Dissemination of the MSW Manual and MSW Plan / Planning process and approval of DPRs / tendering and implementation of investment projects.