Overall objective: The contractor shall always bear the overall objective of the IEWP action in mind, which aims to facilitate the cooperation between India and the EU regarding water-related issues, to further develop the IEWP and to flag business opportunities for EU companies in India.
Specific objective: However, it will be the main responsibility of the contractor to support the achievement of the IEWP action’s specific objective 1/outcome 1, which holds a focus on river basin management and aims to strengthen a knowledge and experience exchange between Indian and EU stakeholders in order to facilitate a converge by India towards EU water policies and standards.
Output 1.2 is at the core of this consultancy tackling a joint, technical implementation in water resources and river basin management making use of EU good practices and expertise and also considering gender equality. In this context, the tasks, activities, milestones and deliverables of this consultancy are clustered in the horizontal pillar and specifically the two work areas of:
- River basin management, and
- E-flows assessments