Support to Ganga rejuvenation/ India-EU Water Partnership Action: Consultancy on river basin management and environmental flows assessment in India

Project details
Associated enterprises: 
Project volume: 
626,221 €
Value of services: 
626,221 €
Start of project: 
February, 2022
End of project: 
November, 2023
Project background: 

In 2016, the Government of India and the European Union signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the objective to strengthen the technological, scientific and management capabilities of India and the EU in the area of water management on the basis of equality, reciprocity and mutual benefit. Based on the MoU, the India-EU Water Partnership (IEWP) has been established to advance the political dialogue on water between the EU and India. The IEWP aims to consolidate the political and strategic framework for a more coherent and effective cooperation between the EU and India on water management issues.

Service description: 
  • Further detailed Tapi RBM Plan for all 5 KWMIs (surface waters & groundwater) towards the closing of the first Tapi RBM Cycle by 2023
  • Contribute to the facilitated gradual implementation of the IEWP action’s solution forum regarding the Tapi programme of measures for all 5 KWMIs
  • Develop an IEWP RBM toolbox based on the Tapi experience and as basis to prepare/upscale RBM plans in India. Support dissemination.
  • Undertake a risk assessment for the Ramganga basin regarding alterations of river hydrology/water quantity based on an existing methodology
  • Support the development of hands-on RBM trainings and capacity building
  • Complete an e-flows assessment in Ramganga basin and contribute to the consultation process of the SGR II project
  • Contribute to an improved e-flows assessment method in India and the update of the IEWP e-flows guidance document
  • Water allocation modelling using RIBASIM, incl. the estimation of Non-ET and an overlay of the modelling results with the KWMI 3 risk assessment are finalized as part of the Tapi Plan.
  • Hands-on trainings on water allocation modelling

Overall objective: The contractor shall always bear the overall objective of the IEWP action in mind, which aims to facilitate the cooperation between India and the EU regarding water-related issues, to further develop the IEWP and to flag business opportunities for EU companies in India.

Specific objective:  However, it will be the main responsibility of the contractor to support the achievement of the IEWP action’s specific objective 1/outcome 1, which holds a focus on river basin management and aims to strengthen a knowledge and experience exchange between Indian and EU stakeholders in order to facilitate a converge by India towards EU water policies and standards.

Output 1.2 is at the core of this consultancy tackling a joint, technical implementation in water resources and river basin management making use of EU good practices and expertise and also considering gender equality. In this context, the tasks, activities, milestones and deliverables of this consultancy are clustered in the horizontal pillar and specifically the two work areas of:

  • River basin management, and
  • E-flows assessments