Supervision of periodic maintenance: Mansa-Nchelenge and Mansa-Chembe Roads

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Transport & Mobility
Project volume: 
15,906,018 €
Value of services: 
329,195 €
Start of project: 
August, 2012
End of project: 
November, 2014
Project description: 

The project road is located entirely within the Luapula Province of the Republic of Zambia and runs in a generally northern direction from M003 junction through D821, D079 and D076, at a total length of 245 km.

The road was upgraded to an all-weather bituminous road in the 1970’s. Due to the lack of proper maintenance, the condition of the road deteriorated over the years.

It was the intention of the Government of Zambia through DANIDA (the financier of the project) to maintain the road through a periodic activity: reinstating shoulders, patching and repairing edges, reconstructing seriously damaged sections and applying a 13.2mm single seal on the carriageway.


Service description: 
  • Design review and re-design in several road sections, as necessary
  • Liaising with Client and stakeholders and contract administration of the works contract as the Engineer in all matters concerning the contract and the execution of the works
  • Inspecting, testing, and approving of all materials and completed works
  • Approval of Contractor’s work drawings and health, safety, and environmental protection arrangements
  • Construction supervision of the works executed by the Contractor and checking and certification of Contractor’s certificates
  • Progress reporting and preparation of the final construction report and as built drawings of all completed works