Strengthening local Governance in Zambia - Capital Grant Scheme (Phase I)

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
769,552 €
Value of services: 
769,552 €
Start of project: 
January, 2018
End of project: 
October, 2022
Project description: 

The German Government committed EUR 7.5 million for German Financial Cooperation (FC) within the priority area “Good Governance”, to be implemented through KfW Development Bank. It was agreed that the support should be provided in the framework of the Decentralisation Implementation Plan (DIP).

The core activity of the German FC is the provision of funds for infrastructure development in combination with support for its implementation and complementary capacity building in areas directly linked to the planning, implementation, operation as well as maintenance of the infrastructure. The new FC programme shall support the development of a financing mechanism to transfer resources from the central Government to the councils to enable them to develop and maintain infrastructure at the local level by building a grant scheme for local infrastructure investments.


Service description: 

The international Consultant will support the Project Executing Agency with the implementation of the project. Together with the designated staff of the provincial DHID, the international Consultant will constitute the Capital Grant Scheme task force (CGS task force). Within the CGS task force, the team members of the international Consultant shall cooperate closely with the designated provincial DHID staff. Together, they shall determine the individual responsibilities, the overall division of labour and the communication structure within the CGS task force. As constituent part of the CGS task force, the international Consultant shall have direct responsibility for the project implementation and all related activities delegated to him.

The specific assignments of the Consultant are summarised below:

  • Assistance to Provincial and District Tender Evaluation Committee during the tender evaluation for construction works
  • Decision on number of viable projects in districts to be implemented, depending on its layout, functionality, funds available, appropriateness of site chosen within the district capitals and result of the tenders
  • Adaptation of the technical designs, placing of structures or buildings on site, the site itself and the overall scope of work (BoQs), if deemed necessary
  • Contract negotiations with the bidders and signatures of contracts
  • Oversight and control of contract supervision of the three consultant firms through regular site visits
  • Contract management, control and review of interim payment certificates; financial management and oversight
  • Assistance in the handing over of the infrastructure to district councils after completion
  • Assistance in the implementation of the O+M concept
  • Guidance to district councils and control of functions of the supervising engineers during the defects liability period
  • Final handing over and completion of the disposition fund management
  • Reporting and executing annual workshops

The project has been ongoing since March 2014 and most of the consultancy services originally requested have been delivered. Design and supervision consulting companies completed technical designs and elaborated tender documents for works for 12 projects in 12 districts in the Southern province. The remaining project activities concern the construction of 6 bus stations (Choma, Kalomo, Kazungula, Mazabuka, Pemba, Monze), construction of 5 markets (Namwala, Sinazongwe, Zimba, Chikankata, Siavonga), rehabilitation and extension of a civic centre in Gwembe.
