Stormwater drainage project Bamako

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Project volume: 
2,810,884 €
Value of services: 
1,883,292 €
Start of project: 
January, 2022
End of project: 
January, 2026
Project description: 

The project is based on the previous project that was carried out in 2018. In that study, however, it was found that the passages of the existing structures needed to be extended in the Tienkolé and Woyowayanko marigots.

The current study includes an update of the previous study and the planning of the necessary structures. In addition, an extra 1 km has been added to the Woyowayonko marigot.

Service description: 

“Project management and impact study" component

  • Preliminary design
  • Monitoring of the implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
  • Update of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the new section and extensions in new works
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
  • Climate Impact Assessment
  • Preparation of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
  • Update of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
  • Detailed Design
  • Preparation of the tender documents
  • Support in the tendering process and the award of supply and service contracts (examination of bids, award proposal, draft contract)
  • Evaluation of the possibility of carrying out all or part of the works using the labour-intensive method (HIMO)
  • Supervision of the implementation of the works
  • Assistance with the provisional and final acceptance of the works


Accompanying measures" component

  • Support in monitoring and implementation of the ESMP and RAP
  • Support in information meetings / exchanges / consultation with the population
  • Raising awareness of the population through an "Information, Education, Communication" (IEC) campaign in collaboration with a local structure (consultancy or NGO)
  • Support in the strengthening and organisation of sustainable social dynamics
  • Support in the IEC campaign
  • Support in the institutional functioning of the DNACPN
  • Elaboration of the final report

The objective of the project is to reduce the risk of flooding for the population of Bamako, including the reduction of health risks and economic risks due to material and human damage.

The project's indicators, the achievement of which will be assessed after the final acceptance of the works, are specified below:

  • Reduction in the number of people affected and houses destroyed after the handover of the works,
  • Drainage of a quantity of rainwater in the Tienkolé and Woyowayan-ko marigots corresponding at least to the quantity of water to be evacuated during a vicennial flood,
  • Development of the beds of the Tien-kolé and Woyowayanko marigots with a total length of 7.9 km,
  • Construction of a minimum of three crossings or bridges per developed marigot,
  • Elaboration of a sustainable maintenance plan for the developed structures and setting up of the necessary funds for maintenance by the DNACPN,
  • Creation of a minimum number of recreational areas per developed marigot.