The "Rural Development Project in two regions of Cameroon", implemented within the framework of the German-Cameroonian financial cooperation (through KfW Development Bank), is located in the Adamaoua Region and the North Region in the tropical zone of Cameroon.
The approach of the project is based on the feasibility study of the programme "Rural Development in the North and Adamaoua Regions" by J-M Noiraud, March 2017, as well as on the agreements made between KfW Development Bank and the eneficiary during the on-site evaluation of the Project (Aide-mémoire of 17 March 2017).
The Consultant's tasks consist in supporting the Management Unit in the following areas:
- Consolidation of the results of the complementary study to be carried out before the start of the project for the prioritisation of rural roads and infrastructures to be rehabilitated;
- Support to the project management, namely: elaboration of terms of reference and tender documents for the works, evaluation of bids, award and management of contracts, supervision of works, acceptance of the studies, provisional and final acceptance of works;
- Establishing and carrying out financial co-management and co-signing of invoices and confirmation of the use of funds; management of disposition fund;
- Development and implementation of the investment planning methodology, ensuring the participation of all stakeholders in the selection process (in particular if measures to secure sensitive agricultural areas or cattle corridors are foreseen);
- Identification of measures that can be implemented using the Highly Labour-Intensive Method and the integration of this method in the realisation of infrastructures through the tender of supply and works contracts;
- Close coordination with the communes in the planning of measures, evaluation of the commitment of the beneficiary communes and communities before the launch of invitations to tender, the establishment of commitment agreements for the maintenance of roads with the communes and intermittent support to the communes;
- Close coordination and search for synergies with the German Technical Cooperation projects, in particular PADER and PRADEC ("Programme d'Appui au Développement Communal") as well as other programmes working on road improvement, rural development, securing sensitive agricultural areas and methodologies for conflict management.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Land Management (MI-NEPAT) is in charge of the project implementation. The project management is ensured by the Management Unit under the supervision of MINADER and assisted by an International Consulting Engineer (the “Consultant”).
The Government of Cameroon will make available an amount of 656 million FCFA, corresponding to about EUR 1,000,000, to finance the Project. This amount will be used for the payment of the salaries of the Management Unit staff and the assumption of the customs duties and VAT.