Rural Development Programme (Phase IV/V & IATI) - Implementation Consulting Services (IMC) and Accompanying Measures Consulting Services (AMC)

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Transport & Mobility
Project volume: 
3,323,539 €
Value of services: 
2,525,889 €
Start of project: 
May, 2018
End of project: 
August, 2021
Project background: 

The “Rural Development Programme” (RDP) was a German grant-funded financial cooperation programme, which aimed at improving the condition and effectiveness of rural infrastructure in the Southern Shan State of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Funds were earmarked for this project by the German bilateral Financial Cooperation, provided through KfW Development Bank.

Project description: 

The implementation services covered the whole project cycle, starting from verification and prioritisation of investment measures and development of investment plan over traffic, topographic, materials- and geotechnical surveys to detailed design, technical assistance during works tendering procedures and construction supervision (incl. services during the defects liability period).

The AMC also provided for the preparation of a Priority Investment Programme, covering the estimated maintenance, backlog and development requirements for all rural roads throughout Southern Shan State. This report provided extensive mapping and sensitivity testing as a basis for evolving future developments of road maintenance and development budgeting and planning, together with data collection methodologies.

Service description: 

In detail, the following tasks were performed:


  • Full project cycle implementation TA for rehabilitation and upgrading of rural roads (incl. DBST implementation) as well as spot improvements like large box culverts and construction of associated small scale civil works;
  • Field surveys, stakeholder consultations and GIS-based analysis for project prioritisation and development of investment plan;
  • Screening of social and environmental impacts, selected social (incl. resettlement) and environmental impact assessments;
  • Climate proofing of project measures;
  • Monitoring of economic and social project impacts, comprehensive baseline surveys;
  • Systematic implementation of safety measures with the road rehabilitation design: road signage, traffic calming measures especially on village sections, following the applicable standards;
  • Preparation and implementation/monitoring of Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Framework and corresponding mitigation and management plans;
  • Management of grievance redress mechanism jointly with stakeholders and DRRD;
  • Preparation and supervision of implementation of HIV/AIDS and Road Safety Awareness along project roads;
  • Project management and operation (incl. support for financial management).


  • Determine work type of works and preliminary cost estimates for each road
  • Determine priority road lists per township
  • Preparation and Submission of priority investment report
  • Elaboration of scope of works/definition of works to be tendered and carried out
  • Provide related on-the job training



The programme objective was the improved access for the rural population in the project region to schools, health centres, markets, places of employment and public administration through the sustainable utilisation of programme roads and other rural infrastructure (e.g. bus stop shelters) throughout the year as well as improved maintenance of rural roads. The overall objective was to contribute to the sustainable economic development of the project region.

The implementation measures consisted of improvements to the rural road network, including associated bridges, drainage structures, culverts and, to a lesser extent and only where feasible other infrastructure closely related to the rural roads. For the implementation measures (road rehabilitation measures, procurements and contingencies) the budget was EUR 25.1 million for the combined phases IV, V and IATI.

The following roads were prioritised, surveyed, designed and their construction was supervised under the assignment:


  • RDP IV: TP1, TP3 North and South, LL1 approach road; total (58 km)
  • RDP V: TGI-3, YSK-2, HP-12; total (40 km)
  • IATI: HP-5, HP-6 and HP-7; total (25 km)


Several large box culverts (2 cells 6m x 3m; 1 cell 6m x 3m) and various other culverts, retaining  walls, Irish crossings and gabions


