Recycling and disposal of waste of electrical and electronic equipment in an environmentally sound way (Phase 1)

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Climate Change, Circular Economy & Solid Waste
Project volume: 
10,000,000 €
Value of services: 
3,005,539 €
Start of project: 
July, 2018
End of project: 
December, 2022
Project background: 

The increasing use of electric and electronic devises in Ghana, a sign of increasing prosperity, presents also a massive challenge, since after use, devices turn into toxic waste of electrical and electronical equipment (WEEE or e-waste). E-waste generation in Ghana is accelerated because many imported second-hand devices have a short lifespan and between 15 - 30% of imported devices are non-functioning thus they are imported in violation of international laws and conventions.

The e-waste recycling is almost exclusively organised informally. Actors in the informal sector extract the valuable materials with simple tools without regarding the negative effects of the process on health, environment and climate. Hence, Agbogbloshie Scrap Yard, where most of the recycling takes place, belongs to one of the most contaminated sites worldwide. 

Action against illegal imports is expected to increase after the Basel Convention has been translated into national law in July 2016 via the Hazardous and Electronic Waste Control and Management Bill. The Ghanaian-German financial cooperation is supporting Ghanaian partners to set up an incentive mechanism for sound recycling of e-waste as well as the construction and operation of a so called ‘Handover-Center’ (HOC) serving as the logistical basis for reception and storage of the purchased e-wastes.  

Service description: 
  • Set-up and operation of project implementation unit (PIU);
  • Elaboration and implementation of a provisional manual of procedures (including concepts, remuneration procedures for e-waste recycling, accounting system, monitoring, etc.);
  • Implementation of incentive system for eligible WEEE to pursue with a national funding system or an extended producer responsibility (EPR) system;
  • Concept and design, supervision of construction and tendering of establishment of a Hand-Over-Center to trade eligible WEEE using the developed incentive system;
  • Conduct market surveys on e-waste trading structures & prices (field assessment);
  • Development of communication & outreach strategy and concept (targets: informal sector, private sector, general public, media);
  • Capacity building and special trainings for relevant actors from the formal and informal e-waste sector and local recycling companies; 
  • Development of standards for technical, environmental and safety audits;
  • Improving and establishing new collection and hand over systems for enhancing the circular economy in Ghana’s e-waste sector; and
  • Supporting the development and implementation of the national e-waste incentive system.

The project addresses the sound disposal and recycling of waste of electrical and electronic equipment (e-waste) and aims at reducing the damage to the environment and human health caused by unsound recycling of e-waste while livelihoods are being assured (impact). The purpose of the project is to support the Ghanaian partners to set up an incentive mechanism for sound disposal and recycling of e-waste. This is to channel the worst polluting e-waste from the informal sector into sound recycling and to contribute to the development of a sustainable national recycling system in Ghana (outcome).

The project implementation for the first phase of the project can be dived into three steps:

  • Set-up part I: Establishment of the implementation structure, financial management and provisional manual of procedures;
  • Set-up part II: Establishment of the HOC, market surveys, elaboration and test of procedures for the core activities (purchasing of e-waste, tenders/auctions etc.);
  • Implementation: Full execution of core activities, revision and extension of list of eligible e-waste.