Rajkot pre-feasibility study on urban transport

Project details
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
334,100 €
Value of services: 
220,506 €
Start of project: 
May, 2010
End of project: 
April, 2011
Project description: 

This technical assistance was to directly address the growing problem (in Rajkot) of managing the urban transport sector effectively. Rajkot’s urbanization continues unabated and delivering transport services effectively is now considered a major issue.

While the Indian Program: Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) makes provision for projects in the transport sector especially Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), this is limited to roads related infrastructure.

The Municipal Corporation of Rajkot would like to view transport through a more holistic lens, albeit with focus on public transport. Thus the pre-feasibility study in urban transport was to cover elements of infrastructure, institutional development/reform, effective management, policy and regulatory frameworks.

Service description: 
  • Vision review, problems identification and alternatives analysis;
  • Review of previous studies and key documents on urban transport;
  • Analysis of the urban transport challenges facing Rajkot and alternatives analysis to solve these issues;
  • Prioritization and elaboration of proposed vision and plans for public transport development within the city and transit-oriented-development within the region, parking development, NMT development, freight development, traffic management development and enforcement, existing facilities maintenance, and transport modes integration development;
  • Strengthening of existing City Mobility Plan for Rajkot and development of a phased urban transport infrastructure investment program;
  • Elaboration of marketing plan for priority transport investments;
  • Preparation of road-map for a strengthened institutional structure in Rajkot including capacity building plan;
  • Preliminary climate proofing analysis on the level of the CMP and its relevant need for action; and
  • Preparation of a TOR for feasibility study for Phase I of the proposed improvements.