Provide capacity building and support for Egyptian Water Regulatory Agency (EWRA) staff to develop business plan, standard operating procedures and tariff model

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Project volume: 
430,484 €
Value of services: 
430,484 €
Start of project: 
August, 2022
End of project: 
May, 2023
Project background: 

EWRA activities are being undertaken as part of the World Bank-financed Sustainable Rural Sanitation Service Program (SRSSP). The Sustainable Rural Sanitation Program for Results (SRSSP _ PforR) is a national programme to enhance rural sanitation services as well as strengthen institutions and policies for increasing access in the Delta Governorates in Egypt. 

Service description: 

D 1 - Inception Report (C1, C2, &C3)

D 2 – Training plan and training materials

D 3 – C1: Detailed studies for the BP including the Consultant recommendations and covering the following items:

a) Review of current activities
b) Strategic framework and legislative context
c) Financial strategic priorities and budget forecast for five years
d) Operational implementation plan / action plans
e) Final training report on BP development including the outputs

D 4 – C2: Detailed studies for the SOP including the Consultant recommendations for the 3 core activities water quality, customer service and tariffs, and covering the following items:

a) Baseline study on the current SOP in EWRA
b) Detailed workflow including expected risks
c) Detailed performance measurement system
d) Quality control measures concept paper
e) Final training report on the SOP including the outputs

D 5 – C3 Detailed studies on Tariff Model (TM) and user manual including the Consultant recommendations and covering the following items:

a) Current tariff structure and calculation method
b) Possible Block sizes and parameters in new tariff model structure
c) Develop information, education and communication (IEC) plan
d) Methodology and tools to compute water tariff requirements
e) Economic and social studies. f) Analysis and evaluation of new tariff structure
g) Final training report on TM including the outputs

D 6 - Completion Report


The SRSSP Program aims to:
(i) improve sanitation access in Delta Governorates;
(ii) improve operational systems and practices of the Water and Sanitation Companies (WSCs) to enhance sustainability of service delivery and,
(iii) strengthen the national framework of the sanitation sector.

Overall objectives:

The objective of the assignment is to provide professional capacity building to EWRA's staff to be able to develop on its own:(i) Business Plan, (ii) Standard Operating procedures, and (iii) Tariff model that will enhance the performance and ensure sustainability of EWRA based on its current conditions and the effect of various interventions. This will be specifically through:

  • Assess EWRA current situation and perform its diagnosis through a SWOT analysis.
  • Define capacity building activities and other Technical Assistance (TA) required, including a training program for the next five years;
  • Assist EWRA to define the running cost, broken down to the cost per services provided, including services as trainings and quality and monitoring supervision or any others;
  • Assist EWRA to improve its governance model according to its statute and international best practices;
  • Assist EWRA to develop its Business Model within the sector strategy;
  • Provide capacity building for EWRA staff to be able to develop its Business Plan that should allow achievement of sustainability for all its desired regulatory programs, projects and activities. In such a case, sustainability equates directly with (economic) financial independence, enabling them to freely monitor and regulate the water sector in Egypt

