Protecting Mexico's coastal regions and their marine ecosystems by reducing plastic waste (PROCEP). “Short-term expert support on reduction of plastic consumption in the fishing and tourism sector in Mexico”

Project details
Associated enterprises: 
Climate Change, Circular Economy & Solid Waste
Project volume: 
131,196 €
Value of services: 
111,517 €
Start of project: 
November, 2022
End of project: 
June, 2024
Project background: 

The Governments of Mexico and Germany, by means of the project “Protection of Mexican coastal regions and their marine ecosystems through the reduction of plastic waste” (PROCEP, for its Spanish acronym), seek to reduce the entry of plastic waste into the marine area in the state of Oaxaca and other coastal regions of the Mexican Pacific. The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) implements this project in coordination with the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico (SEMARNAT).

Service description: 

Main areas of technical support:

Providing in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience on waste plastic prevention, circular economy and financing strategies, and its related policy, financial, planning, and regulatory instruments.

  • Plastic waste prevention
  • Circular economy (CE)
  • Financial strategies and planning, and regulatory instruments in fishing and tourism sectors

General technical tasks:

  • Share and adapt international experience and best practices for national, regional or local plans, programs or similar.
  • Conduct studies (technical, policy, financial, risk) and implement surveys (e.g. field studies, interviews, data collection).
  • Develop reports, briefs, presentations and other dissemination documents
  • Preparation, implementation and documentation of different events: e.g. training, webinars, technical workshops, conferences and side-events, in virtual, face-to-face and hybrid formats.
  • Advise on organizational development (institutional restructuring, defining roles and responsibilities, defining work plans, coordination management, etc.).
  • Develop and deliver training courses.
  • Contribute to the design of toolkits, knowledge products, publications.
  • Engagement with key actors (public, private, academic) in the Mexican waste management and fishing/tourism sector and the region, including an active role with sub-national authorities.
  • Coordination and communication with project partners and counterparts.
  • Drafting of ToR for specific assignments.
  • Coordination with other consultants.
  • Project and Quality Management during the entire project cycle for the different service requests. This includes design and agreement on efficient processes for the provision of the different services and quality control and assurance for intermediate and final outputs (e.g. methodological approaches, mission and workshop agendas, technical studies, training material, concept documents for mitigation measures, etc.).

PROCEP focuses on developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating strategies for the reduction of plastic waste, with an emphasis on the tourism and fisheries sectors. It also seeks to develop solutions to achieve an effective circular economy, improve the management of plastic waste and prevent it from entering the sea to preserve marine ecosystems.

The scope of PROCEP is articulated in one objective (outcome) and four outputs. The first two focus on the pilot region of the Oaxaca coast, the third on disseminating what has been learned to other Mexican and international coasts, and the fourth on integrating the experiences into national public policy.


The amount of plastic waste entering the marine ecosystems of Mexico's Pacific coast is reduced. 

Output I - Waste management. Waste management on the coast of Oaxaca is improved.

Output II - Plastics in tourism and fisheries. Plastic consumption in the tourism and fishing sector of the Oaxaca coast is reduced.  

Output III - Dissemination and visibility. The pilot region's best practices are disseminated nationally and internationally.  

Output IV - Integration into national policy. Institutions at the national level have new or improved concepts for the protection of marine ecosystems by reducing plastic waste entering the sea.  
