Promotion of youth employment and vocational training in Kenya (Phase II)

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
1,933,915 €
Value of services: 
1,624,488 €
Start of project: 
September, 2022
End of project: 
September, 2025
Project background: 

Despite economic success yielding average growth rates of 5% over the last decade, and a favourable demographic situation, Kenya is characterised by high youth unemployment. As such, offering high quality technical and vocational education and training (TVET) for young Kenyans is crucial to increase employment and the supply of qualified skilled workers.

Service description: 

The project consists of five different working packages that set out the following:

Work package I – General support/ implementation tasks

Support the PEA (MoE) and beneficiary TVET institutes in the daily management of the project including administrative tasks, ESHS topics and financial administration/ financial management and the regular reporting.

Work package II -  Civil works / construction / rehabilitation

Support the PEA (MoE) and beneficiary TVET institutes during the following stages:

Stage 1: Preliminary/detailed design and tender documents
Stage 2: Assistance during tendering
Stage 3: Supervision of construction works and supplies
Stage 4: Services during defects liability period and closure of project

Work package III - Equipment and furnishing (incl. training)

Support the PEA (MoE) and beneficiary TVET institutes in planning, procuring and installation of necessary equipment for the respective Centres of Excellence.

Work package IV - Incubation centres and development of business models

Support the PEA (MoE) and beneficiary TVET institutes in developing and establishing of incubation centres on enhancing entrepreneurship curricula taking a differentiated approach when it comes to entrepreneurship training depending on the entrepreneurial spirit of the beneficiary. The incubation centres shall enhance entrepreneurial spirit as well as entrepreneurial skills and knowledge beyond the current existing structures. It shall especially help to identify young entrepreneurs at early stages and help them with targeted support from early stages to make their entrepreneurial idea to prosper. It is expected that the management of the incubation centers will be transferred step-by-step to the local partners.

Work package V - Monitoring and evaluation

Support the PEA (MoE) and beneficiary TVET institutes in developing and establishing of an M&E framework including the internal capacity building for its ongoing management. The framework shall in preference be digitally supported with remote access and in line with Kenyan requirements.


Overall objective:

This project aims to improve the Kenyan youth’s employability and to ensure that their skills meet the demands of the labour market. This shall be realised by providing high-quality, practice-oriented TVET that incorporates state-of-the-art, industry-oriented equipment, infrastructure measures, development of practice- and labor-market oriented occupational standards, curricula and training materials, as well as training / advisory support to TVET institution staff.

Four institutions in the Lake Basin region were selected for the project:

  1. Bumbe Technical Training Institute
  2. Kitale National Polytechnic
  3. Ramogi Institute of Science and Technology
  4. Ekerubu Egeitai Technical Training Institute

Specific objective:

The following project outputs and measures are being financed:

  1. Stakeholder discussion to fine-tune occupational areas per CoE
  2. Rehabilitation and/ or design & construction of workshops and other buildings (only to the extend necessary).
  3. Procurement and installation of training equipment in the selected occupational areas, initial user training, including a maintenance concept, provided by the suppliers.
  4. Incubation centers to support entrepreneurial TVET students (approx. 0.75 Mio. EUR)

In more detail, the selected institutes shall be equipped as follows:

  1. BUMBE TTI shall be developed to a CoE for automotive technicians (approx. EUR 2 million for equipment and building);
  2. KITALE National Polytechnic shall be developed into a CoE for commercial & agricultural vehicle mechatronics (appr. EUR 1.9 million for equipment and building);
  3. RAMOGI Institute of Advanced Technology shall be developed to a CoE for refrigeration and cold store mechatronics (appr. EUR 2 million for equipment and building);
  4. EKERUBO TTI shall be developed into a CoE for plant technician / tea sector (appr. EUR 1.75 million for equipment and building);
  5. EKERUBO TTI and KITALE National Polytechnic will also be upgraded in renewable energies (within the given respective budget).