Promotion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (HTU+ Programme/CAVT), Phase I and accompanying measure

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
5,195,166 €
Value of services: 
2,597,583 €
Start of project: 
July, 2021
End of project: 
July, 2026
Project description: 

To improve and promote the attractiveness and quality of TVET in Jordan, His Royal Highness Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II decided to create, through the Crown Prince Foundation, the College of Advanced Vocational Training (CAVT) – initially established as an implementation arm of the PEA Al-Hussein Technical University (HTU).

As a new flagship institution, CAVT is the project’s PIU and will act as a role model in the Jordanian TVET system by providing high quality, practice-oriented and affordable TVET programmes at a new TVET Campus in Amman and at Vocational Training Institutes throughout Jordan.

Service description: 

The project consist of an Investment and an Accompanying Measure. 

Component 1: Construction and equipment of a new TVET Campus in Amman

  • A Master Plan for the new Campus: Site development/landscaping including all construction measures required to develop the site fit for the Main Campus
  • Construction of a new training building complex of approx. 8,000 m² hosting technical workshops and labs on 3-4 stories
  • Construction of a new administration building of approx. 1,200 m² for related classrooms, offices, auxiliary rooms, and an assembly hall incl. cafeteria
  • Construction of dormitories for approx. 80 females/ 80 males with ca. 2x1,000 m²
  • PV plant with a capacity of 250 kWp
  • Procurement and installation of technical TVET equipment. Courses at the Main Campus will focus on the following occupational areas: Mechanics, electrics/electronics, mechatronics, and construction.
  • Procurement of works and construction supervision assuming the role of the Engineer in the FIDIC Pink Book.

Component 2: Upgrading and equipment of two VTIs (Hakama & Female VTI) in Irbid

Hakama VTI

  • Reorganize workshop concepts and/or renovating the building infrastructure of underused or rundown workshops on - roughly estimated - 1,000 m2.
  • Constructing and installing of a 25 kWp PV plant.
  • Procurement and installation of technical training equipment (tools, instruments, laptops, machines, furniture, and teaching aids) for occupational areas mechanics, electrics / electronics, mechatronics, automobile.
  • Procurement of works and construction supervision assuming the role of the Engineer in the FIDIC Pink Book.

Female VTI Irbid

  • Constructing a small new 2-storey building of about 250 m2 ground floor area to host a "business incubator".
  • Upgrading of existing facilities.
  • Constructing and installing a 25 kWp PV plant.
  • Procurement and installation of technical training equipment (tools, instruments, laptops, machines, furniture, teaching aids)
  • Procurement of works and construction supervision assuming the role of the Engineer in the FIDIC Pink Book.

Accompanying Measure (AM)

The AM focuses on setting up and promoting the Project, support TVET students and develop international recognised training quality of the institution. Activities include:

  1. Ongoing management advisory support to successfully implement the CAVT tranformation model
  2. Support for further development / adjustment of training programmes, i.e. provision of training materials, accreditation, curriculum development
  3. Capacity development of TVET teaching personnel.
  4. Marketing campaign for TVET in Jordan and CAVT Program including development of concept and measures
  5. Establishment and financing of a scholarship fund to include a broader target group.

Overall objective

The objective of the programme is to improve the access of youth living in Jordan to high-quality and labour market relevant TVET offers as well as the general attractiveness of TVET in Jordan and therefore, contributing to the improvement of economic inclusion and employment prospects of the working population in Jordan.

This will be achieved through the provision and adequate utilization of infrastructure (incl. construction measures and provision of equipment) and implementation of accompanying measures.

Specific objective

The project consist of an Investment and an Accompanying Measure, both being further divided into individual activities.

The goals for the Investment Measure are:

  • All facilities are designed and constructed/upgraded fit to function and coordinated with equipment requirements of training curricula
  • Support the PEA/PIU in all legal aspects with regard to national- and German regulations for financial cooperation.
  • Ensure that infrastructure is optimized, using state of the art design approach and technology, including economic aspects, budget, functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability.
  • Ensure that design and construction works are done properly while respecting the timeline and the planned budget.

The Accompanying Measure aims at:

  • Ensuring conditions for successful implementation and operation of CAVT including capacitating management staff and teachers
  • Ensuring the establishment of attractive and up to date TVET programmes at the different institutions managed by CAVT

Results to be achieved

  • create a capacity for at least 630 students in the newly established and modernized training courses the Main Campus in Amman and in the two VTIs in Irbid.
  • at least 560 TVET-students are enrolled in FC-financed newly established high- quality long-term training programmes (at least 15% females).
  • 70% of TVET students graduating from courses found qualification adequate employment within 6 months after the training.
  • 70% of sampled enterprises confirm that the qualification of modernised training programmes meet or exceeded their requirements