Project management and implementation for the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Framework Loan

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Associated enterprises: 
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
4,249,358 €
Value of services: 
2,124,679 €
Start of project: 
August, 2018
End of project: 
August, 2024
Project description: 

The project was a multi-sector framework loan intended to finance the reconstruction of small scale damaged infrastructure to cope with the consequences of the earthquake of 16 April 2016 that ravaged large areas of Ecuador’s Pacific coastal provinces. The loan focused on the provinces of Manabi and Esmeraldas, which were the most affected provinces. The reconstruction followed an integrated territorial approach with the aim of restoring, and where possible improving, the population’s living conditions. It complied with seismic-resistant measures and applied the Ecuadorian Construction Building Code.

Service description: 

The consultancy service included tasks such as:

  • To provide administrative, technical and financial project management and staff management as well as to ensure implementation procedures following national priorities and EIB’s framework loan guidelines and standards;
  • Prepare for adequate planning of disbursements. Ensure that the selection of recovery projects, time schedule and implementation phases will enable a timely, effective and efficient response to the needs of the beneficiaries;
  • Support PIU (STR), EEEP, MTOP, MEF, local government beneficiaries and civil society in the preparation and implementation of individual recovery projects, within the scope of the programme;
  • Ensure EIB approval of the selected list of recovery projects, allowing MEF to disburse funds for project implementation;
  • All persons involved in the handling of the EIB Framework Loan are working and acting in compliance with EIB and generally accepted standards of good project, financial and administrative practice;
  • Ensure that the PER Framework Loan will be implemented according to the loan agreement between the GoE and EIB;
  • Engagement of the promoter and final beneficiaries to support an efficient project implementation, as well as a rational, sustainable and transparent use of PER loan fund;
  • Implementation of a communication campaign, to increase knowledge and understanding among people in Ecuador of EU and EIB support for the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction projects and how this benefits the people in Ecuador.
  • Ensure quality project implementation and delivery of benefits to the direct victims of the earthquake in a transparent, sustainable and inclusive manner.
  • Support to bidding processes (pre-contract and contract award/signing) on technical issues in coordination with the promoter and GADs.
  • Monitoring and follow-up of the execution of civil engineering works, environmental and social standards and sustainability aspects with all parties involved.
  • Implement the EIB communication and visibility strategy in cooperation with the EUD

The project focused mainly on infrastructure recovery or upgrading, and mainly incorporated investment schemes in the following areas:

  1. rehabilitation and/or reconstruction of public regional and municipal buildings; under proper anti-seismic and energy efficiency standards;
  2. rehabilitation and/or reconstruction of social infrastructure (markets, commercial centers, social centers, etc., including refurbishment), under proper anti-seismic and energy efficiency standards;
  3. recovery and reestablishment of water supply and sanitation systems, including network repairs, water capitation, pumping stations and treatment plants;
  4. repair and refurbishment of other public infrastructure directly contributing to the reestablishment of livelihoods or community cohesion, such as markets and community buildings;
  5. other relevant actions directly related to recovery and risk prevention.

The following works were completed:

  1. Portoviejo Municipal Headquarters, Phase 1
  2. Portoviejo Municipal Headquarters, Phase 2
  3. Chone Hydrosanitary System, Phase 1
  4. Chone Hydrosanitary System, Phase 2
  5. Seafood Area of the Portoviejo Central Market
  6. Autonomous Commercial Center, Portoviejo
  7. Tarqui – Los Esteros Sewerage
  8. Potable Water System for the 21 Communities of Rocafuerte
  9. Photovoltaic System of the Autonomous Commercial Center, Portoviejo

Instilling a strong governance and participatory approach (citizens and civil society organizations) was among the key features of the project. A more participatory process helped to better identify needs, promoted an inclusive and transparent approach to project selection that built ownership and support for the project. Set in place accountability mechanisms and improved project design through better needs assessment and increased transparency.

The PER Framework Loan was used in accordance with the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) and the Post Disaster Investment Strategy and EIB loan agreement.
