The following works were completed:
- Portoviejo Municipal Headquarters, Phase 1
- Portoviejo Municipal Headquarters, Phase 2
- Chone Hydrosanitary System, Phase 1
- Chone Hydrosanitary System, Phase 2
- Seafood Area of the Portoviejo Central Market
- Autonomous Commercial Center, Portoviejo
- Tarqui – Los Esteros Sewerage
- Potable Water System for the 21 Communities of Rocafuerte
- Photovoltaic System of the Autonomous Commercial Center, Portoviejo
Instilling a strong governance and participatory approach (citizens and civil society organizations) was among the key features of the project. A more participatory process helped to better identify needs, promoted an inclusive and transparent approach to project selection that built ownership and support for the project. Set in place accountability mechanisms and improved project design through better needs assessment and increased transparency.
The PER Framework Loan was used in accordance with the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) and the Post Disaster Investment Strategy and EIB loan agreement.