Overall project value
PACT III: 158,108.00
PACT IV: 2,035,512.76
PDCD: 1,028,331.00
PACT V-I: 1,076,473.00
PACT VI-I/DIN: 1,201,832.00
PACT VI-I/APR: 1,900,557.52
Since 2001, support for the decentralization process, in particular for Territorial Communities – TC (Collectivités Territoriales), has been a priority area for German-Malian bilateral cooperation. The Programme d'Appui aux Collectivités Territoriales (PACT) has been a joint operation of German Technical Cooperation through GIZ and German Financial Cooperation through KfW since its inception. The support of the German Financial Cooperation is intended to finance public investments by local authorities throughout the country in order to improve the socio-economic conditions of the populations of the beneficiary local authorities, through the ANICT and the Fonds National d'Appui aux Collectivités Territoriales (FNACT).
The PACT V and VI-I represent the continuation of the PACT I-III phases for the financing of socio-economic infrastructures through the FNACT, for the benefit of the Territorial Collectivities of Mali.
The Consultant is responsible for the implementation of Component I of PACT V and VI, i.e. Technical Assistance to ANICT which is the manager of FNACT and the promoter of Component I of PACT V and VI. He intervenes in the sub-component DIN for the assistance to the management of the sub-projects financed through the non-targeted FNACT and for measures of improvement of the Communal Project Management and reinforcement of the capacities of the ANICT. Within this framework, the Consultant supports ANICT in the implementation of the reforms through the Reform Plan Support sub-component.
To better support the regions in their economic development and given the crisis of 2012-2014, ANICT and German Financial Cooperation have reoriented themselves in phase IV, particularly with regard to procedures for allocating (equalising) resources and payments. PACT IV therefore follows the project approach developed during PACT III, with a design that focuses more on Assisted Project Management to the Territorial Communities for the implementation of their projects. PACT IV finances structuring economic infrastructure for the benefit of selected medium-sized towns (Component I) in the Mopti and Ségou regions and provides targeted support for local authorities particularly affected by the crisis by financing infrastructure identified during "communal debates" (Component II; DEBACOM) in the Timbuktu and Mopti regions. Component I covers 4 towns, the chief towns of the cercles, selected in the Ségou and Mopti regions, and includes investment projects of around 1 million EUR per town. Component II covers 10 communes in the Mopti and Timbuktu regions, financing projects worth around 200,000 EUR in these communes.
The Project “Projet de Développement Communal et de Décentralisation“ (Municipal Development and Decentralisation Project) - PDCD, VM 2.0 is part of this approach and targets medium-sized towns in the regions of Kayes, Koulikoro and Gao through an innovative "Call for Projects" approach that strengthens the towns' project management skills in identifying and implementing their economic and urban development projects.