Preparation of SWM projects in three regions

Project details
Republic of Moldova
Donor organisation: 
Associated enterprises: 
Climate Change, Circular Economy & Solid Waste
Project volume: 
1,037,812 €
Value of services: 
467,015 €
Start of project: 
February, 2016
End of project: 
August, 2017
Project description: 

The purpose of this TA operation is to prepare bankable and viable solid waste management investment projects in the three target regions of Moldova that will enable reduced environmental and health impact from solid waste management (SWM), increased recycling and recovery from the waste stream, and increased efficiency in service provision.

Service description: 

The studies comprised, amongst others:

  • baseline studies;
  • demand analyses;
  • options analyses;
  • conceptual designs;
  • cost estimates;
  • financial and economic planning;
  • environmental compliance and social impact assessments; and
  • procurement and implementation plans.

The overall objective of this TA operation is to contribute to improving the standards of the current solid waste services and facilities, and increasing the operational efficiency and environmental compliance – with respect to the EU directives and standards - in the three targeted regions for SWM (region 4 Chisinau, region 6 East Centre, and region 7 Balti) .


The specific results to be achieved through this TA operation are three comprehensive feasibility studies and the related studies, covered by the ToR, for integrated solid waste management projects in the three targeted regions of Moldova. The feasibility studies shall consider the investment required for a time span of 20 years with a particular focus on the first three years of development.
