The project covers the towns of Kitwe (520,000 inhabitants in 2010), Kalulushi (8,500 inh. in 2010) and Chambishi (8,000 inh. in 2010) at a cost of Euro 43,2 millions.
Under the expansion measures the works include:
Kitwe – rehabilitation of raw water main (0.5 km of DN 750), extension (additional 32,000 m³/day) of the existing water treatment plant, treated water mains (4.5 km of DN 600), construction of reinforced concrete tank, 4 No elevated steel tanks (1,000 m³) and 1 No elevated concrete tank (500m3), 170 km distribution pipelines (up to DN 700), rehabilitation of sewage treatment plant, rehabilitation of oxidation ponds, trunk sewer lines (approx.. 15 km upto DN 450), sewer network, incl. of House connections (85 km DN 110 – DN 250), on-plot sanitation (water born toilets).
Kalulushi – new intake and raw water pump station (12,000m3/day), raw water main (10 km of DN 400, steel), rehabilitation of water treatment plant (12,000 m³/day), construction of clear water tank (1,000m3), construction of new water pump station & rising main (3.7 km of DN 400, steel), 27 km distribution pipelines (up to DN 315, uPVC), rehabilitation of oxidation ponds, construction and rehabilitation of sewer pump stations, trunk sewer lines, rehabilitation of existing sewer network.
Chambishi – rehabilitation of water treatment plant (5,000 m³/day), 20 km distribution pipelines (up to DN 315), rehabilitation of oxidation ponds, rehabilitation of sewer trunk main (3km from DN 300 to DN400), rehabilitation of existing sewer network (5km upto DN 200).
Corrected contract sum based on actual works certifed after completion of the works of USD 47,526,205 = EUR 43,205,640