Municipal fund for promotion of basic education and community infrastructure (Phase I – III)

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
2,131,600 €
Value of services: 
2,131,600 €
Start of project: 
September, 2005
End of project: 
June, 2017
Project description: 

The measures to be implemented under this FC-Programme concern the construction or rehabilitation as well as furnishing and equipment of minor communal infrastructure, e.g. schools, health facilities, homes for the aged and homes for the handicapped, children's homes, etc.

The programme region essentially includes the eastern and western parts of the Oblast Khatlon. The programme's overriding goal is to contribute towards the strengthening of the poor population's human resources by improving their development opportunities and capacities for self-help.

The programme goal is to improve access to functional and sustainable social infrastructure for poor population groups. At the same time it is intended that the community driven approach will enhance the participation of such poor population groups in political processes through the inclusion of their representatives in all phases of the programme and in all stages of individual programme measures.

The programme also aims at improving the building quality through design and material improvements and by applying EE efficiency measures like insulation of floors and roofs, improved window qualities and general improvement of construction details. Thermal comfort of the buildings is measured and evaluated throughout the first years of use. In Phase II pilot projects that are mainly relying on alternative energy sources and are independent from public networks as much as possible have been built.

Service description: 

General management of the programme, in particular the follow­ing:

  • Coordination of all measures with PEA and the communities

  • Financial programme administration

  • Assistance to PEA in updating the financial and cost plan for the overall programme

  • Assistance to the NSIFT branch office/communities in the preparation and implementation of the micro projects with respect to the planning, monitoring, supervision, payment and follow-up issues

  • Constant improvement of design and detailing, material choice, energy performance and maintenance friendliness over the phases of the programme
