Modernisation of local public services: Quality monitoring and management consulting for the provision of local communal services (Phases 1 and 2)

Project details
Republic of Moldova
Associated enterprises: 
Climate Change, Circular Economy & Solid Waste
Project volume: 
3,256,384 €
Value of services: 
1,400,245 €
Start of project: 
February, 2011
End of project: 
December, 2015
Project description: 

In Moldova, municipalities mostly do not have the required earnings and/or investment budgets in order to address the needed modernization of the existing infrastructure. As a result, general public services such as water supply and wastewater disposal, waste collection and the heating of buildings are exposed to heavily advanced decay.

The GIZ project “Modernisation of local public services” puts its focus on the structural support of partner administrations, particularly at rayon and communal level in rural areas, with the aim of a sustainable improvement of their service delivery.

Besides the direct support for pilot projects, special attention was given to the rayon (district) administrations and regional agencies. The close strategic and operational co-ordination and, where possible, the joint development of activities supported the institutions and increased their capacity as facilitators and multipliers. In fact, both entities were elementary components of a structured approach to capacity development at communal level.

The Consultant’s work package “Quality monitoring and management consulting for the provision of local communal services” had the core content of technical and organizational support to selected local municipalities and the competent rayon administrations in order to improve their service delivery in the three areas/service sectors of:

  • solid waste management (SWM);
  • water supply and sanitation (WSS); and
  • energy efficiency in public buildings (EE).
Service description: 
  • Preparation, implementation and evaluation of pilot projects in the three service sectors SWM, WSS and EE;
  • Technical and financial planning (at pre-feasibility and feasibility levels) as well as quality control of proposals for national and international funds;
  • Development and/or adaption of local organizational structures and management;
  • Introduction and application of criteria and tools for an economic, environmentally friendly and socially just service delivery;
  • Organisation, management and monitoring of international and national short-term expert pools;
  • Quality assurance of project products and deliverables;
  • Cross-sectoral expertise (e.g. public procurement, gender issues, environmental and social assessments, public awareness and public consultations etc.);
  • Capacity development, coaching and training-on-the-job of partner staff; and
  • Advisory services to GIZ and local, regional and national project stake holders.