Local government infrastructure improvement programme ( Phase II)

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
979,506 €
Value of services: 
979,506 €
Start of project: 
October, 2013
End of project: 
February, 2017
Project description: 

The programme constitutes the second phase of the “Local governance infrastructure improvement programme“ (LGIIP II). It comprises the provision of local infrastructure (council centres) for western districts which could not be fully covered under phase I and for northern and eastern districts of the Kingdom of Lesotho.

The programme aims to support the democratically legitimised local authorities in the fulfilment of their role as well as to facilitate the access of the population in poor rural areas to local service deliveries allowing them to participate in the political decision making process.

The implementation of the programme will cover support to the PMU as well as all technical (new construction) and social measures (community sensitisation and participation).

Service description: 

General programme management

Technical component

  • Planning, management and supervision of construction works for 24 council centres;
  • Possible facilitation of the construction process by means of centralised procurement of (scarce) building materials; and
  • Efficient planning and monitoring of financial and disbursement procedures, ensuring the correct use of funds.

Participatory approach

Aside from the standard technical services required, the consultant will be responsible for the planning and implementation of a needs driven and participatory approach.

  • Efficient, decentralised institutions, including well-functioning local administration and local democratic participation mechanisms which ensure improved public service delivery; and
  • Support of the democratic legitimised local authorities in the fulfilment of their role as well as to facilitate the access of the population in poor rural areas to local service deliveries allowing them to participate in the political decision making process.
