On Santiago, as in Cape Verde in general, population growth and growing consumption have led to an increase in the quantity and complexity of the solid waste generated by households. The existing waste collection and elimination system is quite rudimentary and needs to be improved. It is necessary to look for solutions which are adapted to the specific island context that Cape Verde represents.
The project "Integrated solid waste management" aims at improving collection, disposal, treatment and recycling of solid urban waste on the island of Santiago through an inter-municipal approach and in an ecologically and economically sustainable manner. The specific objectives of the project are:
- Construction of a controlled landfill and a transfer station;
- Purchase of equipment for waste collection;
- Improvement of the mechanical workshops;
- Improvement of the management of medical waste;
- Implementation of a pilot project for recycling; and,
- Implementation of a programme for awareness raising of the population.
The consortium GOPA/ERM provides the technical assistance for the elaboration of the preliminary studies, the planning and programming documents as well as the successful implementation of the project.
Additional services provided at the request of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Sea/European Commission: Elaboration of a Landfill Operation Manual and Filling Plans (10 January – 30 June 2014).