Implementation programme of integral management of solid waste in the municipalities of Arequipa, Coronel Portillo and Tacna

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Associated enterprises: 
Climate Change, Circular Economy & Solid Waste
Project volume: 
1,788,581 €
Value of services: 
447,145 €
Start of project: 
March, 2017
End of project: 
October, 2018
Project description: 

The project addresses technical, institutional and organisational challenges in the sector of management of solid waste in Peru. The scope of the project is divided into three phases:

  1. Phase 1: Analysis and conceptual study for the Public Cleaning Services Programme and presentation of the results in a workshop. This included a diagnosis and preliminary analysis, development of a concept of integral waste management and selection and evaluation of appropriate sites for final disposal.
  2. Phase 2: Formulation of the profile-level study of the Public Cleaning Services Investment Programme and pre-investment projects
  3. Phase 3: Preparation of the feasibility studies of the investment programme and pre-investment projects including presentation of the concept of regional organisation, presentation of concepts of implementation and operation, cost estimates, financing scheme and financial analysis, socio-economic evaluation, risk analysis, identification of necessary support measures during project execution and preparation of the environmental and social impacts study.
Service description: 
  • Preparation of an analysis and conceptual study for the Public Cleaning Service Programme in provincial municipalities and their selected districts in Peru;
  • Present the results of the conceptual study in each of the three provincial municipalities in a stakeholder and planning workshop, addressed to representatives of public agencies, social organisations and municipal authorities;
  • Design the pre-investment projects with a territorial approach to determine the best solution for the public cleaning service in terms of necessary training, education and awareness activities, required costs, form of financing, institutional organization and sustainability. Geographical, social, cultural, economic and logistical aspects of the localities are also taken into account;
  • Elaborate the feasibility study of the investment program, so as to define the financing scheme and the mechanisms to ensure the sustainability of the programme;
  • Support in the development of the financial-economic component: characterisation of the current system, diagnosis and prioritisation and scenario modelling;
  • Estimation of costs of investment, operation and maintenance and economic and financial analysis;
  • Development of institutional concept and preliminary organisation for the integrated management of solid waste in each region: Management and administration, human resources management and technical capacities;
  • Evaluation of the role of the cement industry, determining the possible role and future role of the cement industry; legal, organisational and institutional recommendations; economic, environmental and social aspects;
  • Review and determine the amounts of organic waste for reuse, taking into account the potential of other wastes in the agricultural, commercial/industrial sector;
  • Determine the possible role and future role of reuse of organic waste; and
  • Evaluate the different technologies that can be implemented in the context of the future operation of the solid waste management system in the 3 provinces.

Elaboration of pre-investment studies at a profile level and feasibility studies of a solid waste management investment program (MIRS, for its acronym in Spanish) in selected provincial municipalities in Peru (Arequipa, Coronel Portillo and Tacna), as well as the formulation of three pre-investment projects at a profile level and a feasibility study of the public cleaning service, of province-wide territorial approach, which will be part of the programme.
