The project "Grüne Bürgerenergie" (GPE, Green People's Energy) supports the development of decentralised renewable energy in rural areas of Africa, involving local actors and private investors. This initiative is being implemented in nine African countries, including Zambia. The focus of GPE in Zambia is Technical Education, Vocation and Entrepreneurship Training (TEVET) in solar energy applications; the objective is to improve the quality and availability of qualified personnel in the solar market. GPE and TEVET will be developing two curricula for frontline solar professionals, which will then be taught at four TEVET institutions and two Training Institutions (TIs). In addition, the GPE project will support those six training institutions with training equipment, tools and materials. Demo sites will be installed at all 6 institutions to showcase solar energy application technology. Demo sites will be implemented before the actual commencement of the training. The aim of this assignment is to design energy efficient solar on- and off grid solar power systems and their smart system integration for 6 training institutions, incl. the production of bill of quantities (BOQs) and cost estimates. The solar power systems shall be used at demo sites for learning by students but also for productive activities within the six training institutions.