Egypt's water requirements are increasing as a consequence of the growing population, improvement of living standards, as well as expansion of agricultural land to ensure food security. Egypt's population increased from 66 million in 2002 to 90 million in 2016 and is expected to reach 98 million in 2020. This rapid population growth coupled with ambitious development and industrialisation policies have put heavy pressure on Egypt's natural resources in the form of severe air, water and soil pollution.
The government of Egypt is committed to develop and manage its water resources in the interests of all Egyptians. Egypt's main source of freshwater is the Nile River. The river supplies 55.5 billion m3 of freshwater every year which represents 97% of all renewable water resources in Egypt.
The direct beneficiaries are the Egyptian Authorities, primarily the MWRI (Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation) and its affiliates. The key stakeholders will include the participating ministries within the SCNRP (Supreme Council for Nile River Protection), line ministries and government agencies, responsible for environmental and water management (MWRI, Ministry of Housing Utilities and Urban Communities (MHUUC), Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MALR), Ministry of Environment (MoE), Ministry of Health and Population (MHP), and Ministry of Local development (MoLD)). This will include their executive and technical bodies at governorate level. Local governments, local communities, Water User Associations (WUA), and Governorate Water Resources Councils (GWRC) will be engaged under the appropriate project components.
Other organisations such as: the Private Public Partnership Unit at the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Investments, the Ministry of Planning and Administrative Reform, the Ministry of Education and Universities as well as the Ministry of Environment. The project will certainly sustain and build on the close ties and links created in the past between the government on one side and the private sector and non-governmental organizations on the other. WUA will certainly benefit from the policy dialogue platform created in the framework of the present initiative.