The financial cooperation component of NAMA Facility project consists in a package of financial incentives and technical assistance for financial intermediaries and small- and medium-sized housing developers during the selection, design, planning, implementation and verification process of the financed houses.
Through the project 11,000 houses will be financed wherewith it expects to reduce at least 20% of CO2 emissions with regard to the baseline reference.
Financial investment grants through the NAMA Facility’s financial cooperation component are designated to mitigate partially the additional investment in energy efficiency measures and eco technologies applied to achieve the expected reduction of carbon emissions.
GOPA Infra is in charge of the strategic, methodological and technical advice and also give support to Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal, S.N.C. (SHF), and in particular the area of Deputy General Directorate of Business Promotion, in the implementation of the financial cooperation component of NAMA Facility project.