The project’s goal was to provide guidance for future areas of intervention for the German FC in the Jordanian TVET sector and labor market needs based on existing studies; evaluation of existing project ideas; identification of an additional project idea, if necessary; technical and financial project assessments and comparisons; determination of the most feasible option(s), presentation of results during workshop in Jordan and elaboration of the detailed project design of one project idea selected by stakeholders during workshop.
The project is divided into two phases with objective to achieve the following ideas:
Project idea 1: Strengthening community colleges with high performance potential; rehabilitating and equipping selected existing community colleges with high performance and development potential (with a focus on 2-years technical education diploma programs in occupational fields being in high demand)
Project idea 2: TVET center of excellence as innovative Public Private Partnership (PPP) model; capacity toward the establishment of a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for the development/creation of a TVET Center of Excellence (CoE) in the segment of technical education.