Energy efficiency measures in public buildings at the municipality level in Kosovo

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Associated enterprises: 
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
902,750 €
Value of services: 
406,238 €
Start of project: 
July, 2020
End of project: 
June, 2023
Service description: 
  • Screening of public buildings in four participating municipalities
  • Elaboration of demand-based energy audits (in consideration of consumption based energy use)
  • Identification of rehabilitation measures of prioritised schools
  • Preparation of final design and design review
  • Preparation of tender documents and guiding the tender procedures
  • Supervision of construction works and services
  • Maintenance concepts, training courses and information campaigns, study visit
  • Impact verification and monitoring
  • Monitoring of the defects liability period 

The objective of the project is the energy efficiency rehabilitation of schools, including dormitories, in order to (i) reduce the total energy consumption of the buildings by at least 20 % and (ii) improve the learning and teaching environment in the participating schools, ensuring a temperature of 20°C in class rooms during class time throughout winter as well as living conditions in dormitories.

To meet the objective the Consultant will render all required services including elaborating demand-based energy audits of public buildings, defining adequate packages of rehabilitation measures, estimate the rehabilitation costs per building and municipality, elaborating technical design documents, tendering of supply and works contracts, supervision of construction work, final acceptance, impact monitoring as well as organizing and implementing information campaigns for users of the public building and Municipalities’ technical staff.

Under the supervision of the Team Leader of the Consultant, significant contributions in delivering these services shall be provided through local partners. The scope of work is to be understood as a guideline which shall be refined and supplemented as necessary according to the professional judgement of the Consultant, in collaboration with the PIU and in consultation with KfW Development Bank.
