Detailed design for the new campus and the University Learning Center in Zadar (Subproject of Western Balkans Investment Facility Infrastructure Project "Facility Technical Assistance 7 ") (Component 2)

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Associated enterprises: 
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
900,000 €
Value of services: 
900,000 €
Start of project: 
July, 2019
End of project: 
December, 2021
Project background: 

This assignment relates to the Component 2: Preparation of the investment documentation for the Faculty building (STEM) and related STEM and technology transfer facilities for grant application for European Structural and Investment Funds (ERDF) and/or European Investment Bank (EIB) loan.


Service description: 
  1. Kick-off meeting, coordination and gaining agreement on the assignment with the key stakeholders

  2. Organisation of the inception of the assignment: logistics, content, work plan, mobilisation of the team of experts, etc.;

  3. Review of previous studies, design documentation and background information to achieve full familiarity with the available documentation. Review ownership and legal status of the existing sites/areas.

  4. The Design Team will liaise closely with the PIU/UNIZD and relevant Authorities or institutions with aim of obtaining required technical conditions and approvals from Public Utility Companies (water & electro distribution, heating, telecom, Environmental requirement, etc).

  5. The Consultant will support the PIU/UNIZD to prepare/discuss and agree the Design Brief for Main Design and confirm its consistency with the already completed Preliminary Design Documentation.


  • Activity 1 Inception Phase

  • Activity 2 Design Phase

  • Activity 2 (a) Main Design

  • Activity 2 (b) Bill of Quantities for civil engineering works and installations

  • Activity 2 (c) Interior Design

  • Activity 2 (d) Bill of Quantities for the equipment


The overall objective of the Subproject is to facilitate planning and building of the New Campus with the University Learning Resource Centre at the University of Zadar, to contribute to economic development in Croatia.

The specific objective of the Subproject is to provide the Beneficiary with the necessary support for the preparation of the technical documentation (Detailed Design) for the “STEM department building with student dormitory” as the Component 2 of the “New campus and the University Learning Resource Center” project, in compliance with the national legislation, the EU standards and more specifically the EIB’s requirements in order to tender and contract the works.
