Decentralised development through district infrastructure (bus stations and markets)

Project details
Donor organisation: 
Associated enterprises: 
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
997,543 €
Value of services: 
997,543 €
Start of project: 
November, 2021
End of project: 
May, 2023
Project background: 

The programme concerns the funding of local public infrastructure. The purpose is to improve the capacity of the beneficiary local governments to plan, implement and maintain infrastructure projects and to ensure the sustainable use of infrastructure to the satisfaction of the population. This is to contribute to the improvement of service delivery and public participation at local level according to the provisions of the National Development Plan and the Zambian decentralisation policy. The amount foreseen for the financing of the Project is EUR 5 million; additional EUR 2 have been committed (subject to signing of bilateral financing agreement), so that the total amount to be implemented is EUR 7 million.

Service description: 

Implementation phase

  • Support to District Administrations during the project selection process of project proposals (prioritisation of projects) if needed.
  • Conclusion of Project Implementation Agreements between the district administrations and the PTF
  • Support to District Administrations regarding the elaboration of the preliminary designs and technical designs.
  • Conduct ESHS studay and prepare ESMP documents
  • Elaboration and approval of key steps in the procurement process, including tender documents, evaluation reports and the award of contracts for works.
  • Support to the District Administrations during the procurement process as well as support to the monitoring of the supervision services and the works and financial contract administration.
  • Submission of preliminary designs, detailed designs, tender documents, evaluation reports and draft contracts for works to KfW for non-objection
  • Financial administration of the programme and management of disposition fund
  • Reporting

Operation and maintenance

  • Development of semi-standardised guidelines for the operation and maintenance of the most relevant types of local infrastructure financed, (including the presentation of relevant operational modalities)
  • Elaboration of a detailed concept for the operation and maintenance for each sub-project
  • Training of Local Governments in the use of the guidelines, support to the adjustment of standard documents on operation and maintenance
  • Monitoring of the implementation of the operation and maintenance concepts, in particular regarding the setting up of the proposed management structures, budget provisions and actual measures taken during the first year after handing over of the infrastructure project in parallel to the defects liability period.

The following programme activities shall be financed from the financial contribution:

  • Construction and extension of communal infrastructure (bus stations, markets),
  • Accompanying consultant measures for the implementation of the building activities and the improvement of the communal administrative activities (e.g. urban planning, financial/revenue administration).

Specific objective: The following list of priority projects has been agreed upon.

1. Chipata

Stage 1:I

  • Improvement and extension of main bus station (fully functional bus station)
  • Improvement of Nabvutika market
  • Improvement of Saturday Market (including wholesale)

Stage 2:

  • Complementing measures in the same markets, which could not be financed under stage 1
  • Improvement of Kapata market
  • Improvement of Kaumbwe market

2. Katete

Stage 1:

  • Construction of bus station with integrated retail space
  • Improvement of main market

Stage 2:

  • Truck park and rest-area

3. Lundazi

Stage 1:

  • Construction of a new market at the western end of the old airfield next to Dunda Market with the objective to relocate the considerable number of street vendors to there
  • Improvement of existing main bus station

Stage 2:

  • Improvement of existing Main Market next to the bus station

4. Sinda

Stage 1:

  • Construction of small bus station
  • Improvement of main market

Stage 2:

  • Complementing measures in main market