Work package 1: Create institutional, regulatory and financial framework for the Sanitation Levy Fund (SLF) and manage SLF - Develop and implement appropriate regulations for regulating Kampala’s sanitation sector;
- Institutional Development at NWSC (National Water and Sewerage Corporation) and KCCA (Kampala Capital City Authority) – the main service providers of Kampala; and
- Create and implement the Sanitation Levy Fund.
Work package 2: Information, PR and sanitation marketing campaigns - Develop information and sanitation marketing strategy for different target groups (households, schools, introduction of SLF);
- Prepare material and train responsible persons for different campaigns; and
- Implement sensitisation and hygiene promotion campaigns.
Work package 3: Business development and O&M activities - Support introduction of affordable sanitation technologies at constant quality;
- Assist in introducing UgaVacs and manual emptying tools to small-scale pit-emptiers and to develop their business;
- Prepare O&M strategies/ plans & implement those into NWSC activities; and
- Develop supporting mechanisms to assist the establishment of a band of sanitation entrepreneurs through different interventions like business planning, training to be an entrepreneur, procuring work tools (trucks and trailers), and operations and maintenance of prepaid meters.