Stage A – Country-wide screening
- Collect and analyse all relevant available data in regards of the situation of water losses in the water supply utilities in Jordan;
- Review of activities of the water utilities / institutions / donors in regards of water loss reduction in the country and assessment of the outcomes and results of these activities;
- Review, analysis and comparison of existing concepts for WLR like FARA (Fixed-Amount Reimbursement Agreement), World Bank – Performance Based Contracts and other national and international approaches for NRW reduction; elaboration of an overview of the ongoing activities, with an outlook to the new project;
- Prepare an overview of the existing situation in regards of water losses, distribution of physical and commercial losses in the country and in the individual water supply systems;
- Elaborate an overview of the existing situation of the water supply systems in the investigated areas and of the general availability and quality of documentation, as-built drawings, electronic maps, GIS and up-to-date hydraulic models;
- Prepare a rating matrix and elaborate evaluation and election criteria for further selection of an appropriate project area;
- Identify and recommend on basis of the collected information two or three potential areas of intervention, for implementation of a Water Loss Reduction Programme in Jordan;
- Prepare a Screening Report, which summarises the basic information about the country-wide assessment;
- Support the WAJ in the selection of two or three potential areas of intervention, which shall be investigated in further detail the pre-assessment stage.
Stage B – Pre-assessment
- Inventory and assessment of available documentation, reports, studies, analyses, O&M data for the pre-selected areas of intervention;
- Compilation of baseline data with clear indication of the data source and the reliability/ error margin of the data, comprising information about the sources (own / imported), system input volume (measures / estimated), authorized consumption (billed / unbilled, metered /unmetered) and critical review of all available information about water losses (apparent losses, unauthorised consumption, illegal connections, etc.);
- Compilation of data about the physical conditions of the water supply system, comprising information about networks (length of pipes, pipe material, age), customer connections (metered / unmetered, average length of service connections, age and accuracy of meters), separation of network into District Metering Areas (DMA) / pressure zones, operating pressure, etc.;
- Assessment of operational data in the areas of intervention, comprising continuity of supply, supply time, leak statistics (mains and house connections), response time, statistics of no water complaints;
- Review and evaluation of the existence, the condition and the quality of the documentation / information basis of the existing water supply systems, such as availability / quality of network maps (paper / electronic), existence and state of a hydraulic model (used software, regular updating), existence and usage of GIS, and review and assessment of the needs for updating of the regarding information basis (maps, hydraulic model, etc.);
- Collect and analyse information about the existence / development of zones for the NRW measurement (e.g. DMA’s) in water supply networks, the status of their separation and other aspects of the NRW-measurability;
- Prepare an analysis of the situation in the investigated areas of intervention, comprising of a general overview and comparison of the situation of the existing water supply systems, elaboration of an IWA water balance on basis of the collected data, assessment of the Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI), evaluation of the situation of water losses on basis of further criteria, such as losses in l/cap/d, losses per km network, leaks per km network;
- Elaboration of selection criteria and of a rating matrix for the investigated areas of intervention as basis for decision-making and prioritisation of the investigated areas;
- Identification of an appropriate potential project area for implementation of a Water Loss Reduction Programme in Jordan;
- Identify on basis of the pre-assessment the required work input for elaboration / updating of a hydraulic model for the investigated areas of intervention including elaboration of a preliminary concept for network zoning and DMAs;
- Support of WAJ in the process of the selection of preferred area and measures.
Stage C – Implementation concept / Feasibility study
The overall target of the Stage C refers to the preparation of a Feasibility Study for bankable investment measures in regards of Water Loss Reduction for an investment volume of approximately EUR 50-60 million in an area of intervention, which will be selected on basis of the results on Stage B.
The services of the Consultant for the Feasibility Study shall include the following two steps:
Step 1 – Detailed Inventory and carrying out of additional investigations;
Step 2 – Development of an Implementation Concept:
The Conceptual Project Planning shall investigate in particular options for a feasible set-up of the project. This includes the assessment, if alternative implementation models as practiced under FARA or in form of PPP with performance-based contracts could have advantages against a conservative approach. In addition to investigating the environmental and social impact of such a programme and preparing a full-fledged ESIA.