1. Provision of engineering services for undertaking comprehensive technical, environmental and social assessments/feasibility studies; preparation of technical specifications, designs/drawings, bills of quantities, bidding documents, environmental and social plans; provision of support for management of bidding process; development of WASH master plans as well as sustainability and capacity building plans; and
2. Provision of services for supervision and monitoring of the hardware and software interventions supported under the Programme, including compliance with ESHS plans and guidelines. The main interventions planned to be undertaken under the programme include:
(i) Rehabilitation of 133 existing non-functional boreholes;
(ii) Drilling of 270 new boreholes and equipping the same with handpumps;
(iii) Construction/upgradation of 5 piped water supply stems;
(iv) Construction of over 5,000 household latrines and bathing facilities in refugee settlements;
(v) Rehabilitation/upgradation of WASH infrastructure in 30 schools and 20 health centres, including health care waste management system in health care facilities;
(vi) Upgradation of solid waste management system in the refugee settlements;
(vii) Improvement of surface drainage in Mantapala refugee settlement;
(viii) Hygiene and sanitation promotion in the target refugee settlements/communities (using community led total sanitation approach);
(ix) Development of district-level WASH masterplans (including for the wards to be targeted as well as for the whole districts) as well as capacity building and sustainability plans for the three target districts (Kalumbila, Kaoma and Nchelenge); and supervision of the implementation of respective plans.
(x) Construction/upgradation of 23 solar-powered water supply schemes