Consolidated urban development programme for Kreung Aceh river, Banda Aceh

Project details
Architecture & Urban Development
Project volume: 
242,900 €
Value of services: 
242,900 €
Start of project: 
October, 2008
End of project: 
April, 2009
Project description: 

The Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) for a consolidated urban development programme for Krueng Aceh river has been instigated to assist the city government of Banda Aceh in meeting this challenge, with the specific aim of investigating the viability of a comprehensive and consolidated urban development programme for the Kreung-Aceh river area. A key task was to formulate ideas and to identify and assess feasible and bankable infrastructure investment projects for Banda Aceh.

As an entry point for the selection of projects the consultant used a list of project ideas which had been compiled during the CDIA fact-finding mission in May 2008. Projects proposed came from the following sectors:

  • Environmental improvement and urban environment;
  • Urban infrastructure, drainage and sanitation;
  • Urban transport;
  • Urban planning; and
  • Heritage and tourism.
Service description: 

The projects which have been assessed in detail in the PFS are:

  • Development of Keudah bus terminal site;

  • Wastewater treatment and drainage in old central business district area; and

  • Rehabilitation of the old central business district.
