Climate and Resource Protection through Circular Economy (CIRCLE) - Advisory services for the development of a national training service for the SWM sector in Jordan, including pilot trainings

Project details
Climate Change, Circular Economy & Solid Waste
Project volume: 
100,565 €
Value of services: 
100,565 €
Start of project: 
August, 2021
End of project: 
December, 2021
Project background: 

Jordan’s solid waste management sector is currently undergoing modernisation. The legal framework and sector policy are laying the way towards a modern circular economy in solid waste management. However, the implementation of the aspirations is still in its infancy. Almost all of Jordan’s waste is landfilled. The solid waste management sector is the country’s second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHGs), largely due to methane from the disorderly disposal of organic waste. Almost 40% of the Jordanian citizen (4.0 of 9.5 million) live in GAM. But here, as in other municipalities, exists a serious shortage of technical skills and qualification programmes. Initial attempts to implement a recycling system – separate collection as the basis for recovery and recycling – were largely unsuccessful, and positive case studies for a scaling-up are not available. GAM’s staff lack the practical expertise and resources to drive the modernisation of the solid waste management sector. Also, GAM lacks the conditions for the implementation of a climate friendly waste management and recycling (core problem).

Project description: 

CIRCLE supports GAM in piloting a range of models for separate waste collection and recycling that are adapted to the specific local and cultural contexts and reflect the National Solid Waste Management Strategy as well as the strategic waste plan for Amman (Component 1, Output A and B)). Also, the project prepares a training service for the solid waste management sector at national level to counter the shortage of trained staff in municipalities and private sector (Component 2, Output C).

Service description: 

Elaboration of concepts for the national training service

  • Development of a concept for the institutionalization of the national training service;
  • Development of a concept for the financing of the national training service;
  • Development of a road map.
  • Development of a MoU between the governmental authorities for implementing the national training service.
Development and piloting of training measures
  • Assessment of training needs in GAM and three representative municipalities;
  • Developing and piloting of at least three training measures



This assignment focusses on Component 2 (Output C), the development of a national training service for the solid waste management sector in Jordan. To this purpose, the assignment includes two main tasks, which shall be implemented in parallel and in close coordination with GIZ:

1) Elaboration of concepts for the national training service, and
2) Development and piloting of training measures. 
