Circular Economy Programme - PREVEC / "Green Jobs" - increase waste recycling rate (SDG 12)

Project details
Climate Change, Circular Economy & Solid Waste
Project volume: 
2,339,010 €
Value of services: 
2,339,010 €
Start of project: 
August, 2020
End of project: 
December, 2023
Project description: 

In the context of continuous economic growth over the last decade, progressive poverty reduction and increasing mass consumption, the amount of waste in Colombia has grown steadily. Consequently, the government has developed a series of strategies focused on the environmentally sound management of solid waste, promoting reuse and recycling.

Taking into account the orientation of the current development plan (2018-2020) towards green economic growth, the transition from a policy primarily focused on solid waste management towards a circular economy has been initiated. Specifically, an increase in the recycling rate was included in the planning of the national sustainability programme for SDG 12 (increase from 8.6% in 2018 to 17.9% in 2030).

Considering that the approximately 47,000 waste pickers in Colombia perform, to a large extent, the collection and segregation of potentially recyclable waste, the National Government has issued a series of norms as part of a formalisation strategy for waste pickers, especially towards the generation of formal and regular employment (PE: Decree 596 of 2016). However, due to the lack of incentives in the tariff system, difficulties in achieving integration into the social security system and the insufficiently designed accompanying measures, the formalisation of waste pickers is developing very slowly.

Similarly, a regulation on extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging came into force in 2018 , which will now be progressively implemented by meeting minimum annual collection and management targets.

Implemented overall project value: 2,121,800 EUR

Service description: 

Output 1: The conditions have been created to increase the recycling / use of specific waste in the urban areas that are being supported.


  • In Bogotá, Cúcuta, Villavicencio and Ibagué, data on materials, quantities and waste streams are available, as well as an analysis of the potential for recycling/ use.
  • Cúcuta was advised in the elaboration of its Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan including a circular economy strategy; based on this, the administration and the private sector have started to implement local and comprehensive circular economy strategies that include awareness raising among consumers and companies.
  • A pilot project on awareness raising, source segregation, separate collection and marketing was implemented in close cooperation with the public administration and waste pickers' associations.
  • Cúcuta with the help of digital tools built the solid waste observatory; the municipal administration of Cúcuta reports every six months on waste management and recycling routes (type and quantity among other indicators).
  • The municipal administration of Cúcuta has implemented 6 accompanying measures to support the formalisation process of waste pickers, including measures that specifically address the needs of waste pickers. These include e.g.: geo-referencing of the collection routes of waste picker associations, training specifically for waste pickers in accounting for their collected material, training to achieve certification of labour competencies for waste pickers, design and implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
  • A business model has been implemented for a composting plant in Cúcuta, as well as for a sorting plant.

Output 2: The strategic and regulatory framework has been created at the national level for the actors responsible for the implementation of the circular economy strategy.


  • A proposal for a national waste catalogue has been agreed between the public and private sectors and civil society.
  • A manual for the standardisation of waste data collection and analysis processes has been developed together with the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory, including the development of a digital tool for calculating greenhouse gas emissions in the waste sector.

Output 3: The range of training and qualification measures for the circular economy / recycling economy has improved.


  • In close collaboration with SENA, training and capacity building programmes have been carried out in Cúcuta to support the implementation of the circular economy strategy for waste pickers and their associations respectively.
  • Training programmes for municipal administrations supporting the implementation of the circular economy strategy have been implemented.
  • As part of a restructuring measure carried out by the city administration of Cúcuta, a functional and process analysis was developed for the city administration with regard to circular economy and waste management and deepened in workshops with stakeholders. The functional and process descriptions that were developed and aligned with the circular economy were adopted by the Cúcuta City Council.

The program aims to support the effectiveness of the circular economy strategy in selected urban areas, optimizing various conditions for its application, as well as improving recycling in these areas within the framework of the circular economy strategy.

The GOPA Infra team contributed to achieving the module objective "In certain urban areas, waste recycling is improved within the framework of circular economy strategies" and all indicators of the module objective:

  1. Indicator for module 1: The recycling rate has increased in the participating urban areas, 10% in Bogotá and 15% in Cúcuta.
  2. Indicator for module 2: A total of 1,500 workers (at least 30% women) who previously worked informally as recyclable material collectors in Bogotá and Cúcuta, are formally included in the recycling processes within the framework of the circular economy.
  3. Indicator for module 3: Private companies invest in a total of four business models for the recycling of certain waste materials in Bogotá and Cúcuta.