Capacity building of BiH Railways Regulatory Board focusing on the Fourth Railway Package

Project details
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Donor organisation: 
Associated enterprises: 
Transport & Mobility
Project volume: 
1,200,000 €
Value of services: 
420,000 €
Start of project: 
September, 2021
End of project: 
June, 2022
Project description: 

This project seeks to provide technical assistance in capacity building of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Railways Regulatory Board, the regulator in railway sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Technical assistance is foreseen to focus on transposition and implementation of Package IV of the EU railway Directives concerning opening of the railway market.

Service description: 
  • Stocktaking, analysis and aligning of the relevant legal and regulatory framework concerning the railway system of BiH and its Entities, Federation of BiH and Republika Srpska,
  • Study on the technical conditions and the state of level road crossings on the railway lines of BiH and their impact on transport safety,
  • Establishment of the Methodology for calculation of infrastructure access charges for the railway system of BiH,
  • Drawing up of the documents for the introduction of the Safety management systems (SMS) in the railway sector of BiH,
  • Analysing of the current state of affairs analysed and the legislative framework for the legal and regulatory position and responsibilities of the BiH Railways Regulatory Board concerning the safety management system,
  • Study on the regulation of open railway market in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • Assistance in setting up and enabling of the provision of railway public services function in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and its Entities respectively,
  • Assistance in introduction and application of international electronic documents in the railway system of BiH,
  • Assistance in setting up of the Independent investigation body of the railway system of BiH.

Overall objective

  • Provision of preconditions for opening of the railway market in BiH.

Specific objective

  • Assistance in establishing of the legal and institutional framework of a functional and sustainable rail system in BiH capable for opening the railway transport market in a manner of non-discriminatory access to infrastructure (Directive 2012/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 November 2012 establishing a single European railway area).
  • The legal framework of a functional and organizationally sustainable rail system in BiH provided,
  • Regulatory preconditions for a safe, modern and efficient rail system created,
  • Regulatory preconditions for regulation and control of the railway market and the railway system in BiH created,
  • Regulatory preconditions for an independent operation of the safety investigation unit created,
  • Regulatory legal preconditions for the unobstructed use of electronic forms in railway undertakings in BiH in line with EU requirements created,
  • A generally acceptable way of functioning of the railway system and its institutions in BiH in line with EU requirements identified.