The Consultant’s assistance is provided in the framework of Component 1 of the German Financial Cooperation (FC) Support Programme to the African Union Commission (AUC) for the development of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA).
Component 1 is a funding window managed by the African Union Commission (AUC) for cross border Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD) measures to be implemented by Regional Economic Communities (RECs) with the objective of contributing towards improved living conditions of the population in border areas of post-conflict countries. The German Government has committed EUR 10 million to the funding window, executed through the KfW Development Bank.
COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) has been selected as the only REC to participate in the funding window during the on-going pilot phase (or first programme phase) and will, through its "Trading for Peace" (TfP) project (one of several PCRD programmes put into place by COMESA), implement small-scale economic and administrative infrastructure and provide capacity building of beneficiaries at selected border posts in Goma/Rubavu (DR Congo-Rwanda), Bunagana/Bunagana (DRC-Uganda), Kavimvira/Gatumba (DRC-Burundi) and Kenya/South Soudan.
The FC programme has the overall development policy goal to reduce conflicts and achieve continental peace and security and focuses on small-scale infrastructure and capacity building. Conflict prevention and peace-building are the guiding principles.
The following project activities are financed under the funding window:
- Trade-related infrastructure that enhances the business opportunities of small-scale traders, such as border markets, feeder roads, storage facilities /warehouses, basic sanitation;
- Administrative infrastructure: construction and/or rehabilitation/construction of border offices and Trade Information Desks; and
- Support capacity building measures, including capacity building activities for Cross Border Trader’s Organizations (CBTA), training measures for user groups, trainings for Trade Information Desk Managers, trainings for small-scale traders and for border officials.