Phase 1: Partial review of the final MSW Master Plan
Task 1 - Inception Phase:
- Analysis of the present situation, problem analysis & formulation of Project objectives.
- Identify the specific demands & needs with regard to Solid Waste Management (SWM) in general & specifically for each of the proposed measures.
- Mobilisation of Consultant’s Team
- Identification of relevant stakeholders
- Establishment of communication lines with all stakeholders
- Development of contacts database
- Kick-off Meeting and planning meetings between Consultant and CMM
- Review and adaption work plan
- Document analysis
- Assessment of options for synergies with other programmes/projects in the Mozambique solid waste sector and especially in the region
- Formalization of the project structures and management procedures
Task 2 - Primary Data Collection, Analysis and Development of Projections and Scenarios:
- Establishment of a basis for the determination of the optimal landfill size, the Hulene landfill closure measures and evaluation of parameter for the economic/financial model:
- Collection, Review & Evaluation of Available Primary Data
- Investigation of Current Situation (analysis to confirm the composition, quantity and density of the solid waste, solid waste sources)
- Assessment & Evaluation of Current Situation
- Identification of Specific Demand & Needs
- Investigations & Surveys
- Problem Analysis
- Results & Conclusions
Task 3 - Waste Transport Logistics Study:
- Study of transport logistics for solid urban waste collected in the municipality of Maputo in view to changing the final disposal site of MSW, including financial and economic feasibility of implementation and operation of the transfer unit in Hulene:
- Analysis of transport fee collection sectors in different neighbourhoods
- Carry out a survey of main routes, collection times, alternative routes, possible traffic and toll constraints
- Collection of other data required
- Assessment of operational possibility or capacity of transhipment to receive waste from roll-on roll-off trucks
- Evaluate feasibility of unloading cargo of this type of trucks in the transhipment, coupled with disadvantage of losing a recyclable load
- Analysis of operation and costs
- Evaluate investment costs for works and equipment
- Evaluate changes in the collection service and operation of the system for a minimum period of 20 years for each of the situations described above
Task 4 - Revise and Update the Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan:
- Partial review and update of the Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan:
- Revise final MSW Master Plan of 12/2018 to reflect different alternatives of implementing a landfill r Maputo including closure of Hulene landfill
- Updating of final MSW Master Plan of 12/2018 with information gathered and aligned with PTUM proposals
- Review taking into consideration the technical assistance being carried out by JICA
- Closely coordinate with JICA team
- Consider estimates and targets for collection and recovery of recyclables and organics
- Incorporate schedules and cost estimates for operation of different scenarios (exclusive landfill, shared landfill)
- Ensure implementation of procedures established by CMM regarding approval of MSW MP
Part 2 - Technical Studies, Engineering Design, Bidding Documents and Operational Manuals for Implementation of the Municipal Landfill
Task 1 - Preliminary Study, Detailed Design and Bidding Documents of Access Road:
- Preliminary Study, Detailed Design and Bidding Documents of Access Road:
- Preliminary Study
- Gathering of information and elements;
- Solution analysis;
- Plan and profiles (longitudinal and typical cross section)
- Cost estimate
- Detailed Design
- Layout design of the approved solution
- Longitudinal and transverse profiles
- Definition of drainage, pavement and traffic signs
- Definition of other elements considered essential for the construction of the approved solution
- Cost estimate (BoQ)
- Bidding Documents
Task 2 – Landfill Site Analysis:
- Site Analysis Studies at the location of the landfill and recommendation regarding the technical, economical, environmental, and social aspects of the construction location:
- Preliminary investigation of the landfill area, including economic, technical, environmental, and social aspects
- Framing of the results of the investigations carried out with the local and international legislation, norms and procedures
- Final recommendations regarding the most important conclusions of the economic, technical, environmental, and social studies conducted
Task 3 - Feasibility Study (FS):
- Feasibility study of the construction of the landfill, based on economic, environmental, social and technical aspects and conclusion on its viability and sustainability:
- Conception and drawings:
- Field surveys and investigations
- Design data, criteria and parameters
- Preparation of preliminary designs and cost estimates
- Preliminary assessment of environmental and social impacts of the proposed solution
- Feasibility study for the use of biogas
- Cost estimates and analysis
Task 4 – Preparation of the Sanitary Landfill Preliminary Design (Basic Design):
- Developing the most cost-effective design concept to meet environmental impact mitigation requirements:
- Additional topographic surveys
- Additional hydrogeological and geotechnical surveys
- Landfill design
- Leachate production and treatment
- Biogas collection, drainage, treatment and flaring
- Specialties preliminary design
- Preliminary cost estimate
Task 5 – Bidding Documents for the DBOT contract of the Sanitary Landfill:
- Preparation of the Bidding Documents for the Design-Build-Operate-Transfer contract of the Sanitary Landfill
- Analysis of standard World Bank's bidding documents for a Design-Build-Operate-Transfer contract
- Preparation of Instructions for bidders
- Preparation of technical specifications
- Preparation of Bill of Quantities
- Preparation of Special Conditions of Contract
- Preparation of Contract Form
- Preparation of Bidding Documents
Task 6 - Landfill Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual:
- Preparation of the Landfill Operations Manual with the definition of the minimum requirements that will be necessary for the operation of the Landfill:
- Identification and description of the landfill
- Start-up of the landfill in operation
- Operation phase of the landfill
- Closure phase
Task 7 - Landfill Health and Safety Manual:
- Preparation of a manual to guide all aspects of landfill construction, operation, monitoring and post-closure activities with regard to health and safety (H&S):
- Characterisation of the works to be carried out
- Risk prevention actions
- Monitoring and follow-up
Part 3: Technical Studies, Engineering Design, Bidding Documents and Operational Manuals for Environmental Recovery and Closure of the Existing Municipal Dump
Taske 1 - Preparation of Environmental Status Assessment & Recovery Plan & Closure of Hulene Dump:
- Environmental assessment of current situation of Hulene dumpsite, preparation of rehabilitation and closure plan:
- Assessment of current situation of Hulene dumpsite and preparation of "as built" of interventions carried out in first phase of reclamation
- Preparation of plan for full rehabilitation and gradual closure of Hulene landfill
- Collection and analysis of field data, including quality of surface & groundwater data
- Geotechnical & topographical surveys
- Preparation of register of site's improvements, vehicles, machinery and equipment, construction elements belonging to drainage systems & leachate treatment, rainwater drainage, drainage and treatment (flaring) of gases
- Environmental assessment (EIA) including:
- Surveys required by Mozambican legislation and Conclusions guidelines
- Strategies, proposals and recommendations
- Identification and detail description of aspects investigated
- Evaluation of elements or devices implemented
- Assessment of possible effectiveness of leachate treatment
- Analysis of environmental risks & environmental & public health risks
Task 2 - Pre-Feasibility Study on Use of Biogas (Hulene Dump):
- Technical and economic assessment of the feasibility of using the biogas present in the Hulene waste massif:
- Definition of the methodology for gathering input data
- Collection of up-to-date and reliable information about the project area and field surveys
- Analysis of alternative solutions and recommendation of the most suitable one
- Financial & economic analysis
- Environmental and social impact assessment
- Description of the recommended solution (FS):
- Concise description of the rationale for proposed interventions
- Investment measures and cost estimates
- Institutional Analysis
- Project Implementation Plan (PIP)
- FS Workshop
Task 3 - Detailed Design (DD) for Environmental Remediation & Closure of Hulene Dump:
- Detailed engineering design services for the environmental remediation and closure of the Hulene dump in line with the previous done measures (situation assessment and feasibility study on the use of biogas):
- Collection and critical review of all available data and definition of the data to be considered, including topographic and geotechnical surveys
- Definition of criteria and parameters
- Analysis and discussion of applicable solutions and selection of the most suitable
- Cost estimation
- Preparation of Preliminary and Executive Design of the Facilities
- Preparation of Project for the Continued Use of the Waste Massif
Task 4 - Detailed Designs (DD) for Dry Recyclables Sorting Shed:
- Detailed engineering designs for dry recyclables sorting shed on the edge of the Hulene area:
- Collection and critical review of all available data and definition of the data to be considered, including topographic and geotechnical surveys
- Analysis and discussion of sorting methods and selection of the most suitable one
- Definition of criteria and parameters and sizing of the sorting shed
- Cost estimation
- Preparation of preliminary study
- Preparation of preliminary design (PD)
- Preparation of detailed design (DD)
Task 5 – Analysis of eventual implementation of a Pilot Composting Plant:
- Eventual detailed design of composting pilot plant:
- Analysis of composting solutions
- Design of an eventual pilot composting plant
Task 6 - Detailed Design (DD) of Transfer Station (TS):
- Preparation of the detailed design for the Transfer Station:
- Definition of base data
- Equipment sizing and characterization
- Civil and structural design
- Design of electromechanical equipment
- Design of electrical system
- Cost estimate (BoQ)