Green Jobs in the Circular Economy - PREVEC, (Phase 2)

Project details
Climate Change, Circular Economy & Solid Waste
Project volume: 
1,733,900 €
Value of services: 
1,733,900 €
Start of project: 
January, 2024
End of project: 
February, 2027
Project background: 

Quality of life in Colombia improved over the past two decades thanks to continued economic growth, nevertheless there are still strong disparities leading to social challenges. With an official unemployment rate of 9.3% in 2023, around two thirds of the population being employed in the informal sector and discrimination against women and vulnerable groups in the labour market, the potential for a socially just and economically sensible orientation of the labour market needs to be fully exploited. Transitioning to a circular economy (CE) would have positive net effects on the labour market, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), but so far the Colombian government has not yet adopted a clear approach towards the creation of green jobs in climate-relevant CE sectors.

While the collection rate of solid waste in Colombian cities is with 95% high in a regional comparison and recycling quotes increased between 2018 and 2020 from 12% to 14.5%, waste generation has also been steadily increasing. The 2018 developed National Strategy for CE (Estrategia Nacional de Economía Circular, ENEC) is a major step to transitioning from a linear waste management system to a CE. In 2020, Colombia adopted CE as an important part of achieving its nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and in the National Development Plan 2022 – 2027, which is also the most important instrument for the implementation of the national 2030 Agenda, CE, sustainable consumption and production, and “Efficient use of resources for the development of Circular Cities” are emphasized. Also, important legislation was passed in 2021 and 2022, such as the Climate Law and the Single-Use Plastics Law, which now need to be implemented.

Although Colombia has key framework conditions for a transition from a linear waste management system to a CE in place, there are still major challenges in the implementation at local level and for urban planning. The focus remains on municipal waste management and regulations adopted by national bodies on CE are insufficiently taken into account by municipal governments. In this aspect, PREVEC’s first phase identified that it is necessary to develop capacities at both national and local governmental institutions, improve inter-institutional cooperation mechanisms, define and coordinate functions, and create instruments to ensure the success of the transition process to a CE.

Service description: 

In this project the following work packages will be carried out by GOPA Infra:

Work package 1 (Output 1)

GOPA Infra supports the achievement of output indicator 1.2 in the cities of Cali and Cartagena, and also contributes with the following and other necessary activities:

  • Further development, adaptation, and pilot application of a GHG calculator for prioritization of CE activities with high GHG reduction potential, based on international best practices.
  • Advising the city administrations of Cali and Cartagena on the use of information, data management and digital tools for the CE.
  • Advising the city administrations of Cali and Cartagena on the development and adoption of 4 planning or management instruments, 2 of which are gender responsive and climate mitigation potential oriented.

Also additional to Output 1 with:

  • Knowledge transfer of learning experiences from the previous phase of the project (in particular Cúcuta).
  • Establishment of a cross-actor functional coordination mechanism for the planning and implementation of CE measures in Cartagena and Cali.
  • Advising the city administrations of Cali and Cartagena as well as the private sector on the Identification, prioritization and implementation of activities to reduce/recycle materials/ waste in priority sectors.
  • Advising the city administrations of Cali and Cartagena on the design and implementation of a competitive process for CE proposals.

Work package 2 (part of Output 2)

GOPA Infra supports the achievement of output indicator 2.2, implementing the following and other necessary activities:

  • Advising the city administrations of Cali and Cartagena on the “territorialization” of CE strategies, standards and instruments from the national level.
  • Advising on analysing the mandates of state and private sector actors involved in the transition from linear waste management to CE as well as the population.
  • Supporting the generation of implementation experiences and feeding them into the design of national instruments and scaling up in other Colombian cities.
  • Supporting the GIZ team in the conceptualization of the “Green Jobs” approach in the context of the CE in Colombia.
  • Supporting the integration of the “Green Jobs” concept, gender equality and “Just Transition” in the development and adoption of planning or management tools in the selected cities.
  • Supporting the development of 2 instruments to promote employment in the CE sector on the basis of gender-sensitive job potential analyses within the framework of a Just Transition


Work package 3 (part of Output 3)

GOPA Infra supports the achievement of output indicators 3.1 and 3.2, and also contributes with the following and other necessary activities:

  • Content and technical development of training programmes for municipal employees and representatives of the private (informal and formal) recycling industry, considering implementation experiences in the partner cities.
  • Advising the city administrations of Cali and Cartagena on the replication of 10 good CE practices, e.g. via platforms between public and private sector actors.
  • Advising on the development of approaches to improve working conditions and to utilise the potential for creating green jobs in the sector.
  • Planning, organisation, and implementation of 1 international and 1 regional study tour to strengthen competences.
  • Supporting in the standardisation of tools and processes for the transition from linear waste management to a CE in Cali and Cartagena (e.g. toolbox).


Work package 4 (exit strategy in Cúcuta)

GOPA infra will finalise the cooperation in Cúcuta (exit strategy), implementing the following activities:

  • Institutionalisation of tried and tested approaches from the first project phase
  • Further support for small businesses in the application of new / expanded business models to increase the recycling rate, create more jobs and improve the income situation.
  • Systematisation of the experience gained and approaches for standardisation and expansion to other cities and for the design of national instruments.
  • Support during the transition phase between the old and new city administration and support in ensuring the sustainability of procedures and instruments introduced.

Consequently, the GOPA Infra team contributes to achieving the objective of the module “State and private sector actors are in a position to implement climate and employment-related CE measures.” This includes both strengthened capacity at local and national level as well as the improvement of implementation-relevant framework conditions and therefore directly includes strengthening the technical and institutional capacities of the actors.

The GOPA Infra team also contributes to achieving all the indicators of the objective of the module:

  1. 15 business models in the circular economy, 7 of which have significant greenhouse gas reduction potential, are initiated by small companies or organizations, of which 6 are women-led.
  2. National or municipal actors have passed 3 instruments to promote employment in the CE sector on the basis of gender-sensitive job potential analyses as part of a Just Transition, including 1 instrument at national level.
  3. 75 % of 2,000 people (50 % of whom are women) who have completed further training in climate-relevant sectors of the CE have confirmed that this offer was helpful or very helpful for their professional career or their business development.

Further, the GOPA Infra team is contributing to all three outputs and their indicators:

  • Output 1: The technical and institutional capacity of selected municipal administrations for the implementation of CE measures is strengthened.

Output indicators:
1.1 In each of 3 selected cities, 1 cross-actor coordination mechanism for the planning and implementation of CE measures has been established and is functioning.
1.2 Selected cities have integrated in a total of 4 planning or management instruments, of which 2 are gender-responsive, the topic of CE, considering its climate mitigation potential.

  • Output 2: The institutions relevant to a CE have a better decision-making basis for shaping the national framework conditions.

Output indicators:
2.1 A compendium with recommendations from gender-sensitive potential analyses for the creation of jobs in climate-relevant CE sectors within the framework of a Just Transition has been validated by national and local actors.
2.2 In proposals for the design of national instruments in the area of CE 6 implementation experiences of local actors with consideration for the creation of new green jobs in sustainable sectors are mentioned.

  • Output 3: Good CE practices are widespread among state and private sector actors in selected cities.

Output indicators:
3.1 10 formats for the development of methodological and technical skills of representatives of state and private sector actors on CE have been conducted.
3.2 The replication of 12 good CE practices has been initiated via platforms between public and private sector actors at municipal level.
