The subproject is divided into 5 key activities, namely:
- A1 – Activity 1 Inception Phase
- A2 – Activity 2 Update of the Feasibility Study
- A3 – Activity 3 Preparation of the Detailed Design for secondary sewerage and stormwater network
- A4 – Activity 4 Preparation of National Works Tender Dossier
- A5 – Activity 5 Assistance in Project Management
A1 – Activity 1 Inception Phase
- Organisation of all the aspects of the start of the assignment (logistics, content, work plan, mobilisation of the team of experts, etc.)
- Preliminary meetings, coordination, & agreement on the assignment with the key stakeholders and other relevant sectoral institutions
- Kick-off Workshop & Stakeholder Meetings
- Collection of initial data and other technical data available
- Analysis of the legal & policy framework
- Considering the applicable BiH, EU and Lenders’ requirements and standards for implementing the Subproject
- Definition of the methodology for gathering the various types and levels of input data
- Preparation/agreement on the environmental and social impact analysis approach and the detailed spatial planning process to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Lenders’ requirements
- Inception Report
A2 – Activity 2 Update of the Feasibility Study
- Definition of the methodology for gathering input data
- Collection of up-to-date and reliable information about the Subproject area
- Field surveys (topographical, geotechnical, hydraulic, hydrological, hydrogeological surveys, etc.)
- Evaluation and recommendation of alternatives for water supply and wastewater services
- Financial & economic analysis
- Least-Cost-Analysis (LCA)
- Environmental and social impact assessment
- Description of the recommended solution
- Preparation of the Conceptual Design
- FS Workshop
A3 – Activity 3 Preparation of the Detailed Design
- Update of basic data and design criteria for the Detailed Design as needed
- Execution of required surveys (topographic, geotechnical, geological, hydrological, etc.), as needed
- Hydraulic calculation and dimensioning for all works, particularly for wastewater facilities and stormwater, including all required details and equipment
- Preparation of detailed drawings for civil works in various sections and at different scales (1:50 and/or 1:25) and detailed mechanical plans for fittings, as needed
- Preparation of detailed reinforcement and shuttering plans for civil works at various scales (1:50 and/or 1:25), as needed
- Preparation of Bills of Quantities (BoQ)
- Preparation of other documents for approvals, permits and licenses
A4 – Activity 4 Preparation of the Tender Dossiers (TD)
- National Works Tender Dossier (TD)
A5 - Activity 5 Assistance in Project Management (TA)
- Work Plan Analysis and potential adjustments
- Guide & facilitate transfer of knowledge & skills in all areas
- Design & support Beneficiary in implementation of Communication & Visibility Plan
- Ad-hoc Assistance in Project Management
- Capacity development will support institutional strengthening and change management in the Beneficiary
- Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
- Stakeholder Meetings
- Closure Workshop